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A new tragedy has unfolded in California with a gunman going on a shooting rampage thus injuring numerous Jewish children.
Let me give my simpathies to the children and their parents. I, nor most, sensible people want or wish for this kind of thing to happen.

Of course guns are getting the blame. Please read this further, don't discard this email at this point as you will learn something here!

What we need to do is to inform everyone, and I mean everyone, that anyone could have done the same thing, as that crazed killer of Jewish children, with a fire extinquiser filled with gasoline and a Bic lighter. Imagine going into a schoolroom with this weapon and spraying all the children. Many would be killed or burned so horrably that they wished they would be dead.

How about we get some hollywood production company to make a movie of just this kind of event. Let's get hollywood to promote gasoline instead of their promoting the use of a gun in all their movies. Let's get hollywood to make a movie of this so that people can see that they don't need a hard to obtain gun to commit mass murder, all they need is some easily obtainable gasoline and a fire extinquiser. Simply fill the fire extinquiser with gasoline, pressurize it at your local gas station so it sprays a long distance and then seek out your local school. Voila! Instant dead children, horrably disfiguring burns for the survivors and un-contestable proof that you do not need a gun to kill people!

What do you think? Will hollywood ever show that this is a way to kill without using a gun? Or is the use of a gun somehow more "romantic, depraved, gratuitous, wanton, evil, or easy" ? Do you think that maybe hollywood, the news media, the talk shows, movies and television documentaries with their sensationalizing and glorification of guns has altered our societies mentality such that all people know that all greivences are to be settled with a gun? We go after guns with a vengeance and use any crazed killers actions as justification for banning guns. But trust me guys/gals, if people want to kill or commit mass murder, and you know most don't, then they don't need a gun to do it. All they need is a local gas station and a WILL to do it.

I look forward to your reasoned response!

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited August 10, 1999).]
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