Maryland press censorship

James K

Member In Memoriam
On Wednesday, according to Baltimore TV, Maryland Attorney General Curran sent letters to two gun magazines denouncing their "irresponsibility" in publishing articles designed to "force" people to buy guns for the Y2K crisis. He apparently did not say what he planned to do if the magazines did not immediately comply with his idea of political correctness.

The Baltimore press and TV apparently saw nothing wrong with the AG setting himself up as a press censor. This press crowd would praise the Holocaust if it could be passed off as gun control. What a fine example of cutting off one's own nose.

Jim- you mean the "Free State" where dead people vote, and getting a CCW is near impossible. I hope this didn't come as a surprise to you. Maryland is the closest socialist state in the union. Even in Kalifornia they manage to vote a Republican in as Gov ever so often. Wait a minute flashback '94 a republican gov. was elected in MD. but then the results election from the graveyards started coming. HMMMMM. I hope to escape soon

"Solidarity is the Key"
The magazines could sue MD, and the DA siting violation of the 1st...

Along with emotional damages for the feeling of pressure and alienation - emotional damages are big.

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Guttsmoke is entirely, one hundred per cent correct. Maryland is a evil police state and now we are suffering under the worst drought perhaps in eastern recorded history. Marlylands drought is the worst by far in the east. Maybe God is punishing us for living in this evil place. this Curran is a pure a-----e. and is just typical of the swine we decent people have to put up with in this state. Maryland was a Southern State that has gone northern in the last 25 or more years. It is not a free state anymore. The Federal(Feral) Govt. has a huge amount of influence in this state and the suburban counties around DC are loaded with government workers . Need i say anymore?
You may be on to something with the drought. National media has been pretty silent on the severity of it, with just enough information leaked out to explain why prices are shooting up. This may be a silver lining. We have been fed 6 plus years of feel good crap by a liar. People will tolerate a great deal of crap,,,as long as the belly is full. Once the belly starts to growl, it's a different story. Mother nature (or God if you prefer) seems to have stepped in and demonstrated that even the government's and it feel good, low unemployment, low inflation propaganda are just so many words. "Let them eat cake" may be ready for a comeback.

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