Maryland - MDRKBA report for week of March 10


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Maryland - MDRKBA report for week of March 10

-----Original Message-----
From: mdrkba
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 2:27 PM
Subject: MDRKBA report for week of March 10

MDRKBA (Maryland Right to Keep and Bear Arms) report for week of March 10

1. Updated status of firearms legislation
2. ACTION ITEM: Need calls on House bills to be heard this week


1. Updated status of firearms legislation

Since last report, SB 42, a bill to mandate surrender of firearms
by the subject of a protective order, has been amended and passed
out of committee. As of this writing, it will soon be considered
by the senate for full and final passage.

We opposed this bill, and still do in its amended form. The change
is to add language that would make police who confiscate firearms
in these circumstances explain how the citizen can get guns back.
It isn't clear yet whether proponents of the bill hurt themselves
laughing that such a change would enable a bill to go forward: we
all know that largely police in Maryland don't give any guns back.

Watch closely the 'lost or stolen gun' reporting obligation bill
(in your alert below.) This proposal has failed repeatedly in the
past, but the Baltimore delegation is putting on a major push for
it. Remember, there is no law that could more squarely target YOU
than is proposed here. A criminal doing an illegal purchase can't
be prosecuted under this law, since (as confirmed by Haynes v. US
decades ago) nobody can be convicted for a paperwork crime that
would require self-incrimination as to a related crime. The ONLY
people police can target in this is an honest citizen.

The "AGC Act" bills (HB 1565 and SB 914) will both be heard Tuesday.
(See our reporting at )
Taking the bills at face value, the measures are unnecssary since
it is already settled that the Governor can appoint whomever he
wants to these slots. The bills can be easily opposed on this basis.
Of course, we also oppose them for the politics - putting a vehicle
for amendment into all sorts of anti-gun mischief on the floor of
either house. The cost of containing these (or minimizing potential
damage) continues to rise.

All gun bills and their status is available on-line at:$.htm
And of course you can always get the latest at


2. ACTION ITEM: Need calls on House bills to be heard this week

On Tuesday of this week a key committee will hold hearings on several
gun bills - we will OPPOSE them all.

The DELEGATES who need to hear from you are listed below. Keep your
statement of opposition short, polite and too the point.

HB 880 Public Safety - Regulated Firearms - Reporting Lost or Stolen
Criminalizes your failure to report a lost or stolen gun, and is intended
to let police investigate a victim rather than a thief, to which this law
would not apply. A form of gun registration and another chilling effect on

HB 1378 Possession and Sale of Ammunition for Regulated Firearms - Penalties
Bans possession of ammo intended for regulated firearms (like handguns) by
anyone who is not approved by state police. To possess ammo, you must apply
for permission. Violation is punished by 2 yrs in jail

HB 849 Restrictions on Possession of Firearms - … Protective Order Respondent
Inappropriately expands ways a person can become permanently barred from owning
a firearm, without ever having been charged of a crime. This measure also removes
a judge’s discretion in handling domestic law.

HB 1474 Use of Firearm in the Commission of a Crime of Violence or a Felony
Demagogues guns, teaching the public to focus on a tool and not a crime. This
penalty bill is bad policy and bad politics

HB 964 Criminal Procedure - No Good Time for Gun Crime
Another penalties bill that demagogues firearms rather than penalizes a crime.

All committee member extensions can be reached toll free by dialing
410 841 xxxx or 301 858 xxxx from your respective area code. (You
can also dial 800-492-7122 and then indicate the desired extension.)

Sandy Rosenberg 3297
Curt Anderson 3291
Ben Barnes 3046
Jill Carter 3283
Frank Conaway 3189
Kathleen Dumais 3052
William Frank 3793
Benjamin Kramer 3485
Susan Lee 3649
Gerron Levi 3101
Susan McComas 3272
Tony McConkey 3406
Victor Ramirez 3340
Todd Schuler 3526
Chris Shank 3636
Luiz Simmons 3037
Kriselda Valderrama 3210
Jeffrey Waldstreicher 3130


3. MPFO spring rifle raffle under way

It's back to basics in MPFO's spring fund raiser, offering a Classic
in the "M16 A2 style" configuration that has been the workhorse in
America's arsenal of freedom for decades. The US military's rifles
have some years on now, as they've seen hard use around the world in
our defense, but your rifle will arrive new, tight and ready to defend
your local corner of the world. With a crisp trigger and 20" heavy
barrel, this is not only a reliable system but an accurate tool. And
to help you get the most out of it, the prize includes 1000 rounds of
Black Hills 52gr match ammunition!

So here is your chance to get first dibs on tickets for the NEW rifle
raffle. As always, all proceeds go to MPFO, so you know your donation
will get the best mileage in defense of our Second Amendment rights in
Maryland. You saw at the top what bills we're already fighting this
legislative session - and more is on the way. A strong pro-gun buildup
in the war chest sends leadership the message that our community won't
give them an easy fight of it, and it assures pro-gun friends that we
will be capable of effectively defending them in coming elections after
they go to the mat for us during sessions.

Details as always are at ...

Remember, each ticket goes for a $5 donation to MPFO. Send your most generous
donation (check written to MPFO) to:
MPFO c/o Mike Fleisher, Treasurer
11704 Enid Dr
Potomac MD 20854-3451
(Include a SASE for return of ticket stubs, or Mike will mark your ticket
numbers on your check as receipt.)

Marylanders for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership is the *only* political
action committee in Maryland dedicated to our Second Amendment -- and of course
the reason gunowners outside of Maryland care is that gun control we can stop
here won't come to you in your state. Historically Maryland is the front line
in defense against oppressive gun control, where whacky ideas are test driven
before they go on the road nationally. Stop bad legislation while it's cheap!
Authority: Mike Fleisher, Treasurer
