Maryland Legislation Designed to Harrass Gun Owners.

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New member
Alright Maryland gun owners, it's time for you to do your part to protect your gun rights and help prevent a slow slide nationwide:

From the article/editorial:
"It's obvious that Mr. Rosenberg and Mr. Frosh are not really interested in stopping criminals from obtaining weapons. Instead, this misguided proposal plainly is designed to harass legitimate gun owners with bureaucracy and paperwork until they simply give up on the idea of exercising their legal rights. Readers should let the measure's proponents know what they think. Mr. Frosh is available at 301/ 858-3102,, and Mr. Rosenberg can be reached at 301/858-3179,"

Please note the contact info. for the measure's supporters.
From the article:
To obtain a gun license, a person must fill out a long application form, attend a comprehensive firearms safety course, pay a nonrefundable fee to the state and wait 30 days for the completion of a criminal background check. If all items are processed properly, the Maryland State Police would drop the license in the mail.

I wonder if CRIMINALS are also required to fill out this application as well?

Generally Speaking

Criminals are exempt by law, from having to register or get licenses for guns. It violates their Constitutional rights, you see. (5th amendment).

And, generally speaking, this is a cut and paste post, (driveby) which we do not allow in L&CR.

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