Maryland laws


having lived so many years around Maryland, I still dont know what the gun laws are. I know that people think they are repressive and terrible, but I cant find a definitive (trustworthy) source for what they are, and what about them are bad. I having been thinking about moving back around there and the gun law fears are scaring me off.
I am having a hard time finding anything using the search on this site either, they search engine kinda doesnt seem to filter so well.
Where do you look this up?
Googling "gun laws Maryland" brings up a couple million hits. Wikipedia has a nice summary.

Maryland is a pain if you feel the need to carry, (basically you can forget it unless you're rich or politically connected), and with its "enlightened" policy on illegal immigrants the population of gangbangers has increased to a distressing degree.

However, if you can limit yourself to one handgun a month, and are satisfied with being allowed to protect yourself only on your own property, and have faith that your liberal neighbors won't imprison you if you do (no "castle" doctrine in MD) and can wait a week to take possession of your pistol, well, you're welcome to live here as long as you can stay alive.
so you are saying you cant get a CCW living in MD, or that most CCW licenses are denied.
i know google brings up a million hits, but i dont see definitive answers to - you can obtain a CCW, you can own magazines that hold more than 10 rounds in a handgun - you can purchase high cap mags, etc.
i lived in VA on the border of DC/MD my whole life and moved to MT not too long ago so i feel like a resident of MD/VA/DC - i just never tried to do more than just go to the range. but then again va laws are supposedly less restrictive, but i dont know if this is a fact.
so you are saying you cant get a CCW living in MD, or that most CCW licenses are denied.
i know google brings up a million hits, but i dont see definitive answers to - you can obtain a CCW, you can own magazines that hold more than 10 rounds in a handgun - you can purchase high cap mags, etc.

Call your local permit issuing authority. If you don't know who that is then call the state police, they can tell you who to call. Those are your best answers.
Virginia is a "shall issue" state. Even as a MD resident I can get a VA permit to carry, but it's not valid in MD.

My understanding is that it's extremely difficult to get a CCW permit in MD; unless you're carrying lots of cash for a business or are related to a politician, you will spend months going thru the process, and will probably be denied anyway. My son-in-law was working armed security in the MD-VA area, and was on call 24/7. He wanted to be able to carry so that he could respond promptly if called, and didn't know when calls would come thru. He eventually got a carry permit, but it was inextricably tied to his job. The day he quit he had to turn it in. And it was like pulling teeth to get it in the first place.

If you're merely in fear of your life, and don't have a long documented history of threats against you, you will not get a permit.

Stay in VA and get your carry permit. Don't go into DC or MD armed.
CCW is tough to get.

You can have any mag size you want; you just can't transfermags greater than 20 rounds within the state.

Assault rifles are fine.

The one gun a month law can easily be overcome by filling ut a paper and becoming a "collector"

Ask your questions at for the real answers.