Maryland Gov. signs gun control measures into law


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Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley on Thursday signed into law one of the United States' toughest gun control measures, even as opponents vowed to overturn it.

The legislation prompted by the Newtown, Connecticut, school massacre requires handgun buyers to undergo safety training and submit fingerprints to obtain a license.

It also bans the sale of 45 types of assault weapons, which have been linked to at least 461 U.S. deaths since 2004, according to the governor's office.

The new law also reduces magazine capacity from 20 rounds to 10 rounds. People who have been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility will be banned from gun ownership.

Doing a little research looks like no confiscation (for now).
I guess the criminals will be lining up to turn in those evil 20 round magazines for 10 rounders any day now...
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...461 deaths....over nearly one decade, compare that to how many people are murdered by knives or die by smoking and I don't see a ban on those coming.

Fools, all of them.
Correct on the "No confiscation (for now)" part.

This bans transfer, or sale as of the Nov. date. All existing, owned "regulated guns", & magazines are grandfathered to the owner as of the enactment date. (for now).
Budget cuts, prison over-crowding, good time...

Don't forget too; prison-over crowding, budget cuts, red tape, parole boards/reviews, "church" services & good conduct.
The violent felons with gun charges can be back on the streets, off their meds, strung out on bath salts or meth & ready to meet you! :rolleyes:

Funny how the elected officials & TV wags leave that tidbit out. :rolleyes:
