Marvel's 'The Punisher' on Netflix + Gun Control


New member
Has anyone else watched 'The Punisher' new series on Netflix? It is an entertaining series on its own, especially if you are a Marvel/Superhero/Comics person. Some painful tactics from the cops, but generally everyone has two hands on their weapons and show some muzzle discipline... but I digress.

Those that HAVE watched it, did you notice all of the commentary on gun control? There are a number of characters using the actions of the protagonist to argue for stricter gun control, using a lot of same lines we are hearing in real life... "more guns = more violence" etc... but interestingly, this series also has a lot of the important points that many of us would make:

- A female in the series, Karen Page, asks the gun control senator something like "have you ever been so afraid and all that stands between you and them is your gun"
- That same gun-control senator hires private security to defend him from a bad-guy in the show and the security guy points out the hipocrisy of the senator wanting lots of guns to protect himself.
- That same gun-control senator hints that the security people should try not to shoot the bad-guys because it would make his point about gun-control look bad.

Unfortunately, there are also a few bad-guys that are the epitome of pro-2A cliche types "come take my guns, I'll kill you, don't drink the water or it'll brain wash you"... but I found it interesting either way.
The nut in the NRA hat stood out to me as the most bothersome before his story fully played out. I thought it did pretty well with the gun control debate, they could have taken the 'easy out' and bashed on it continuously like most shows.

The last episode was somewhat anti-climatic after the 2nd to last with Agent Orange, but it was a fantastic show. I'm assuming Jigsaw is going to be a future villain.

But it was fantastic, my wife and I enjoyed it so much we had a bottle of champagne when we watched the finale. :) I hope they get to cranking out the next season quickly.

And slightly off topic - I HATE heroes who refuse to kill people. Daredevil annoys the daylights out of me with his 'no killing'. And Arrow was great until they gave him some sort of BS 'moral superiority' complex.

This is why I LOVE Punisher. Going to DC for a moment, if Batman had put a bullet in Jokers face on their first meeting, how much death, suffering, and misery would have been prevented?