Martial law to keep Clinton in office?


New member
Because of the many ILLEGAL executive orders wingnut Clinton has placed, a declaration of martial law would suspend a presidential election. So what do you guys think? A declaration of martial law early in December? Does anyone know anything about an executive order that gives the UN and FEMA control of the US in a time of "emergency"?
I seem to remember having this discussion back in the "OhmyGodY2K" era.

There are plenty of other things to be worrying about. Clinton is not going to make himself Dictator For Life.

Naw!! To many guns.

The only justice for a traitor is at the end of a rope!!!!
Off my meds (quit smoking), armed to the teeth, and loose on an unsuspecting society!!!
If he were to do such a thing, he'd definately need some sort of pretext; He gets away with the executive orders because few people hear or care about them, but THIS?

Potential scenario: The major party candidates for President get wasted just before the election, at a debate or something, by "terrorists", and Clinton's got "no choice" but to remain in power.

Don't think he'd do it, though; Too much chance that the Secret Service would off him, given a legit excuse like that. After all, who knows better what a monster he is than them?

Sic semper tyrannis!
I think you will see some type of national emergency suddenly arise about the time he is due to leave office. From that point I think there will be some testing of the waters on his part to see if he could pull it off. He won't. I don't think even the soccer moms would go along with that. They are already mad at him about gas prices for their mini vans.
On a listserv to which I belong, someone posted a lengthy and detailed message late last year providing first-hand evidence that Clinton was going to declare martial law in February 2000.

This sort of hysteria is whipped up somewhere on the 'net every few months. Ignore it.
you can't make yourself dictator for life unless you have a loyal military force to back you up. Judging from my military aquaintances, this is obviously not the case.

There's a more likely chance of Steve Forbes buying a group of Swiss Mercenaries to storm the White House, take out the Pres and put in Forbes (Viva Forbes! Viva Forbes!)

Janet Reno stands a better chance posing for Penthouse. Gee DubYah stands a better chance at getting into Mensa. Charles Manson has a better chance at finding Jesus.

Not that I think you're scenario is improbable. :D
Threads like this tend to ignore the reality and the significance of what we are up against. There is a commonality among all presidents (except Reagan) since about 1929. That commonality is membership in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR, formed around 1929). It didn't matter that Reagan wasn't a member, since his VP George Bush was in the CFR. Each one of these "selected" (not elected) presidents was given the task of fulfilling the CFR objectives which would evolve our great country into a vulnerable piece of the Global government puzzle. Has anyone noticed this evolution?

Since the two current party candidates are both CFR members, it makes no tactical difference to the CFR which man becomes president, since either one of them will carry out the same CFR tasks. This is the key reason why any viable Reform or Libertarian candidate for president has been ignored by the main stream media. Any public attention to a non-CFR candidate typically is handled with an effective smear campaign.

Clinton is arrogant, but you have to remember who he reports to (not us). You see, most of the American public just want him out of there, and anything will be better than him. This is where the American people are simply duped. Believing that either one of the popular candidates will change anything is laughable. With Gore, we'll get more openness about the hidden agenda, and with Bush, we'll be confused by his smoke and mirrors.

They do not have the man power to confiscate our weapons. So the only way that makes sense, is to legislate them away. Anyone notice any infringements lately?
Want to insure freedom? Take the energy you're wasting in conspiracy theories and channel it toward educating non gun owners. JMO
I'm really disappointed at the lack of enthusiasm for this thread! Are you folks gun owners or not? For heavens sake, don't you watch the news or read the newspapers? ;)

You're supposed to be absolutely, freaking paranoid! C'mon now ... look this over, use your imagination, and get back here and post some conspiracy theories!! Everyone of us has an obligation to live up to the media's demonization of gun owners, and you people aren't pulling your share of the load. ;)

Hell ... I'll bet a lot of you folks don't even shop for groceries while wearing camo and carrying your M-1! ;)

Gotta go now ... I think I hear the choppers coming ... ;) ;)
The very fact that we are dicussing this means it can't happen. He could only pull it off if the people had no idea it was coming. Without the shock and confussion caused by any sudden "need" for him to stay, Slick will only wind up hanging from a tree on the Whitehouse lawn.

Politically, Fashionably and Aerodynamically Incorrect!
He should be hanging now...


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

Educating gun owners is exactly what I'm trying to do here. Some TFL members, who once criticized my posts, that have taken the time to check out some recommended links, texts, and periodicals, no longer criticize them.

Now it may sound like conspiracy theory to someone who hasn't studied it, but I assure you that until you know just who your enemies are, and what they have in store for you, you couldn't possibly be prepared to prevent the inevitable. Additionally, I can assure you, that I expend equal amounts of energy on educating myself as well as educating others.

What is ultimately frustrating, is when fellow gunowners/enthusiasts discount the validity of a well planned consipracy behind historic and current events, without first checking the links and connections for themselves. It's equivalent to buying into the official line on the Kennedy assination, or Waco, or OKC, or Chinese campaign contributions, or the Federal Reserve, or the true objective of gun control. None of the offical stories hold water upon close examination, but they're all interrelated.

We (gunowners) are not being attacked by politicians and media talking heads because the gun issue makes them popular/gets higher ratings. We are being attacked because an armed citizenry will prevent the inevitable from happening. Behind all of the rhetorical puke lies an agenda to disarm us all. If you need a hint as to what is inevitable, read the UN Global Disarmament text.

Start here:
Ok first things first
Being an Army Air Defense type, we always referred to Air Force people as "Wing Nuts" I resent use of the term "Wing Nut" to describe our current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania AVE. It either elevates him or seriously impugns the dignity of those individuals who serve or have served in the US Air Force.

Now point 2
I’d love to see him try it!
No way. As someone said, much more to worry about. Clinton trying to take over would actually be better for us in the long run (say the 50-or-100-year-view) than Gore getting elected. Having Gore elected is both worse and exponentially more likely, so let's concentrate on that.
My thoughts on the matter: NO GORE, NO MORE! Keep that in mind when you vote!

To the point of "martial law being declared to keep Clinton in office" - unless there is some kind of MAJOR domestic disturbance that will not happen. BUT, then to, what might happen IF CLINTON CAN START A WAR? What is if his Chinese friends NUKE Tiawan. Or what if N. Korea attacks S. Korea? What if India and Pakistan nuke each other? Clinton may intervene or Congress may force him to do so, and a MAJOR WAR STARTS. Under these circumstances CLINTON stays in office indefinitely as Commander & Chief Pervert so he can guide us through this time of crisis. THIS IS NIGHTWARE MATERIAL. GOD FORBID that anything like this would happen to keep that sorry sack of ...... in office.
Paul Revere,
Liberals would keel over at the thought over martial law. I think it is safe to look elsewhere.
