Marlin model 60 buffer broke

N.H. Yankee

New member
I took my Marlin 60 22rimfire apart to clean and pieces of plastic fell out and it appears to be a buffer. There is another plastic buffer also still in one piece, I intend to get another through Brownells but am wondering what caused the first one to break. I wonder if it could be the hyper velocity 22 ammo and if the gun was not designed to handle it or is the recoil spring worn. Should I buy a new spring and is there a tougher buffer made or any other remedy. I have a funny feeling it was the Aguila hyper velocity or the stingers that killed the buffer but am not sure. Also are there any upgrades for the action or feedthroat that I may find beneficial?
you can get a polyurethane squeegee and cut some firmer plastic off it and make one real easy. (not a black rubber squeegee, but usually a color or clear material)