Marlin 336 in 35 remington vs Hog


New member
Hog loses.


I went down to some of our land to put out a few game cameras. I knew there was a good chance of seeing a hog in one place I was going so I took the recently acquired 336 Marlin in 35 rem along. The middle field as we call the place is actually a series of long narrow fields divided by long narrow lanes of trees. I spotted this hog as I was driving in to the place at the far end of one of the fields. It was about 400 yards away rooting the plowed ground so vigorously that it literally had a dust cloud stirred up. I drove on past the end of that field until I passed the end of the next lane of trees and was out of sight. Then I parked; grabbed the Marlin; and headed down the backside of this line of trees to-wards the other end of the field. When I made it to the end I eased around to see if the hog was still out in the field. It wasn't but I heard it grunting out in the narrow lane of trees dividing the two fields. As I stood there it came out of the trees about 75 yards back up the path I had just walked along. She turned and started walking away from at an angle to my left giving me a quartering away shot. I put the cross hairs just behind the last rib on her left side and squeezed off the shot. She was so covered in dust from rooting that it looked like you hung a filthy rug over a clothes line and hit it with bat. That big 200 grain bullet eat her up and came out behind her right shoulder. She made it about 10 yards. We have a shoot on sight policy with hogs. We have killed 28 in this one spot in the last 4 months.
Makes me want to drag the .30-30 out and go shoot a hog tomorrow. Unfortunately, I can't. We are having a baby in the morning. No hog hunting for a few weeks.:mad:
Congratulations on the baby, Reynolds! I have 3 kids. I know the time restrictions with pregnant women and the whole "labor" thing. :D When I looked at the itemized bill from my wife's delivery of our son, it looked like the receipt for Robert Downey Jr's weekend getaway.

Todd, can you load that .35 Remington with hard-cast bullets without significant leading?

Good shooting! I know how you feel about the killing power of the "mighty 35". Years ago, I was stationed in Michigan with USAF and explored the Huron Nat'l Forest every chance I got. I hunted with an older pump action rifle in 35 Remington. Every deer I shot went down quickly.
