I finally found out today that the tube feeder .22 mag bolt Marlin has been discontinued. I already have one but in stainless and laminated wood but I wanted a regular blued with walnut wood. I heard from a gunshop salesman that there Is a .22 mag Marlin Clip fed Bolt action new model available which Im sure has been around for who knows how long. I asked him if it jams once in a while randomly and he says "no way,because your manually feeding the gun with the bolt action" . Is this true? I heard alot about .22 semi's with clips getting jammed numerous times but I never once heard of a manual bolt action w/ clip get jammed. Maybe if not properly clean but thats a "duh" situation. Some of you folks might have one and might be able to give me some advice/comments/info about these firearms. If so Im buying or ordering 3 on Tuesday for me,my dad,and bro n law. Thanks