Marlin 1895G, should i get one?


New member
I have read a lot of press on the Guide Gun and wondering if they are worth the price that the dealers are asking? Gun dealers are asking $450 plus, and Wal-Mart is asking $405. I know marlin makes superb lever action rifles but i am not sure that this is a fair price for a lever action. i have handled one and it pointed exactly like my dads 336cs.
Is all the press true? is the recoil acutally slight compared to other .45/70? Is it as accurate as the magazines say.
If the press is all correct, then the price is definatly fair.
Are there any bad aspects of the gun?
Thanx for the info

.308 WIN: The ONLY cartridge you will EVER need!
I have the Outfitter version [444 Marlin] but I have not shot it yet . I was wanting the 45-70 version but after a 2 month search with none found I picked up the 444 , now the 444's are not available in my area either [Indiana] . I like the handy length but I would like to see Marlin make the gun non-ported as I do not care for the extreme noise of porting . Good luck , Mike...
My Dad bought one and loves it. I haven't shot it yet as he lives in Ohio and I live in Arizona, but I understand it to be everything Marlin claims. IM(Dad's)NSHO. ;)

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

I own one and though I haven't used it much as yet I would recommend it highly. The guide gun is fairly specialized though, its for short range, fast shooting.
The guide gun concept is stolen from Jim West of Wild West guns in Anchorage, Alaska. He's been cutting down Marlins for years and building highly thought of Bear defense guns - West calls his the Co-Pilot.
If you are looking for a pure hunting rifle, a longer barrelled model might serve you better.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
I bought the Marlin Guide gun in 45-70 last fall and I love it! It does kick, so its not a 100 rounds/day plinking gun. I plan to use it this hunting season, replacing a Rem. Model 7 in 7mm-08. Everyone I know that has used the 45-70 tell me that it destroys much less meat than a high velocity round. The Guide gun is a very good handling gun and I like the short length. I put the Williams peep sight on it, but I haven't yet sighted it in.

All in all, a very light handy gun good enough for all animals in CONUS to around 150 or so yards.


I'll tell you what, losing the microgroove rifling was long overdue in those Marlins. I just traded for a brand-new 1895SS last week (I like the longer bbl. for the .45-70, myself), and it shoots a whole lot better than the last one I fired years ago.

(Don't you just love this trend manufacturers are into, bringing back something old like Ballard rifling (and Mauser extractors, eh, Winchester?) and acting like it's new and improved.)

You would enjoy the Guide Gun. You deserve it! And I was very impressed with the fit and finish of the new Marlin I just got - I've never seen better on a Marlin. Now is the time to get your Guide Gun!
thanx to everyone for you pricless information. I will hafta work on my parents alot in order to get them to buy me another rifle (i got on last x-mas also).
even if they don't get me on i am in love now so one is at the top of my list :)
thanx again