Mark Wilson - Courage Under Fire


New member
I have read some comments regarding Mr. Mark Wilson – the individual whose intercession last Thursday in Tyler, Texas, is being hailed by the media and by the local police agencies as saving lives – acted rashly by intervening with a handgun when the felon in this tragedy was armed with an AK-47 (plus a flak jacket and body armor).

IMHO, Mr. Wilson is a real hero; no doubt about it. I suspect Wilson entered the fight – knowing he was outgunned and what the risks were – but nevertheless deciding that his values and morals compelled him to try to save innocent lives, even if he lost his own in the process. This is precisely the type of thoughtful, courageous self-sacrifice we were bred to admire and to emulate, not unlike so many of our service personnel in Northwest Asia or New York City police and firefighters rushing INTO the WTC on 11 SEP 2001.
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I offer my prayers to him and his family. I just hope that if I am ever faced with that type of situation, that I can bravely step up and do what is right, no matter the cost.

God Bless You Mr. Wilson.
Yes, he was a hero and is credited with saving lives. However, he quite likely did not need to be a dead hero. He was in his own residence, a loft apt. by the square, when the shots range out. He grabbed his .40 cal. pistol and went to investigate. So he knew a shooting was in progress, but didn't take a rifle or shotgun. He apparently didn't take extra ammo either. He was one of the few people in the sweet position of being able to collect items to take with him to go into harm's way while starting from a position of safety and he chose poorly. Now he is a hero and martyr. From what folks have said about him, he would prefer to be neither.

Emulating heroes and hero acts is fine, but be wise in your choices. If you have the opportunity to choose between weapons, opt for the bigger guns, not smaller.
Easy to second guess...

I wish he had taken a rifle too, but I don't know for certain that he even had one. And, if he did, it may not have been loaded and ready to go.

He did well, from what I've heard, it's just that he ended up in an almost impossible situation. Even so, eyewitnesses are clear that he still saved at least one life.
Well you know what? Whether he grabbed a rubber band gun or .50, I have tons of respect for anyone that rightfully intervenes to prevent a serious crime.

Let's not do any armchair quarterbacking until we know the real facts.
Not quite at the shooting, but close by.......

I was three blocks away from the shooting when it happened. When there were shots coming from the square in front of the courthouse the last thing he would have wanted to do was run outside with a rifle. How long would it have taken for the numerous LE officers under fire to think he was threat? He did the right thing, he took his 1911 .45 ( and no it was not a .40) concealed it as he had a license to carry, then went downstairs to ascertain what was going on. Then when he was evidently met with the urgency of what was happening he reacted. I only hope that I will have the courage to stand up and do the right thing also if the situation arises. Sure, I would be willing to bet you anything that once he was down there that he would have liked to have had a rifle at his disposal, but the fact was he didn't, and he still saved at least one life by his unselfish action. I will leave the after-action reports for the pro's, they were all there, FBI, ATF, TYPD, SD, and many others, they were also under fire. I am just hear to say I think the man is a hero. One man in the right place can make a difference. I just hate that he had to lose his life in the process. I have quite a few friends that knew Mark well, and the woman that was killed, Maribel, she was the ex-wife of the shooter. She was also a line worker in one of the plants in which I am a USDA inspector. May God bless them.
I agree E.L., I only hope I could do the same if presented with a similar situation. I hold a TX CHL and have several years in LE in my early years. But you don't know until the situation presents itself.