Marine deployment, what would you do?


New member
Supposing that Marines are deployed in your place/locality to help local police curve criminality, doesn't that give you a thought that peace and order is out of hand. Now what would you do:
1. Stack up more ammos.
2. Live in another place.
3. Continue life as if everything is normal.
4. Any other ideas...

No jokes please. Thanks in advance.

That means that you live in condition red, sleeping in shifts, and all that.
It's hard to answer your question without the answer to these...
What is the exact threat, and how does military presence deter that threat?
Can you physically leave? Where would you go? what would you take with you? Do you have immediate family to be concerned about. Are you safer by leaving? Are you safer by hunkering down and keeping a low profile?
I don't think your question can be adequately answered without more information.
If that were to happen it would mean the death of the Republic, the end of the Constitution and the arrival of dictatorship in this land. Little more than two hundred years ago some patriots faced a similar situation. What did they do?

So many pistols, so little money.
marines deployed? if you were the bad guys, that's bad news....if you were the good guys with PTCFOR/Lic. and lots of ammo. Life goes on!
Let us not forget that the Texas Rangers were a military force preserving and upholding the law...for how long now?

Coast Guard is a military force upholding the laws on our inland waterways.

The Arizona Rangers were a military force up to their disbandment--still upholding the laws.

As far as I know for the Marines to be deployed inside the US, we would have to be at war on our own ground. The only military force that can be deployed localy is the national guard during peacetime.

At least thats what i've been told so far.

(I'm a Marine btw)

-=Hairball=- at Camp Pendalton, CA
I'd dust off the boots and utes, put a little shine on the old brass buckle, don my SGT stripes and join in! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!

Semper Fi

Chris Canis
(Devil Dog)
If possible, get to know some of the Marines, pilfer ammo and whatnot, and gather info from them. They're probably not happy about having their routine spoiled to be deployed in their own country.

Along the same lines, on the day of the North Hollywood shootout, I was traveling along the 101 freeway, just a few miles south of the shootout location. This was a few hours after it ended and they were still combing the area for possible accomplices. Well, up in the sky, paralleling the freeway was a Cobra helicoptor traveling west. It didn't seem to be flying a circular search pattern or anything. Now, the nearest Marine bases were in El Toro and Tustin (both now closed) and as far as I know there are no helo bases, with the possible exception of Pt Mugu, in the direction of flight. It would be interesting to find out the purpose of that flight.
Just my personal Opinion.

In reading the many comments of the Gov't Officials and to the private sectors, they have all legitimate reasons of being against and pros in the deployment.

For the purpose of protection the public in general is fine. But what kind of threat do they fight for.. against the holduppers, bank robbers, pickpocketers, kidnappers or carnappers? These are not where the marines are trained for, they are the elite unit of the Armed Forces intended against external aggression or if there is real chaos in the country. But doing police work, these should be solely for the Cops or police works, back up by the National Bureau of Investigation or other law enforcer agencies to maintain a Civilian Authority Atmosphere and not alarming the public and foreigners in general. But many claimed, the Phil. National Police is tarnished much by the few bad ones who were involved in illegal activities, so they need the Marines to bring back the trust of the public. It means also that the PNP cannot actually policed its own people so they needs the Marines. Well, being a law abiding citizen we don't need to fear as long as it will not be the same like our Martial Law days. Like paltik said, if you have licensed and PTCFOR, nothing worry. What worries me if they canceled all these because it will be a military rule again.

To summarize, perhaps there are more other reasons why the marines are deployed and only the selected few really knows the answer. You should remember that even it is a sunny day, the government can declare there is a typhoon coming, just to suspend classes and offices to anticipate forseen eventualities.

Good to remember, that even the Martial Law days of the then Pres. Ferdinand Marcos, things like these did not happen and Marcos himself did not even wear a Fatigue uniforms.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>for the Marines to be deployed inside the US, we would have to be at war on our own ground. [/quote]


Not entirely correct. Don't know how long you have been in the Corps but you may recall a little thing call the LA Riots. If memory serves me right we weren't at war (though Desert Clean-up was still going on).

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
:eek: My home is already officially listed as a back up armory for the National Guard. So I would post extra guards,add to security system, secure additional ammo and supplies. I just watched movie "The Enemy Within" which is a remake of "Six Days In May". Where a Marine Col. discovers a plot by the US Military to seize control of the US Government. It called for deployment of troops in the twelve major cities of the US. Luckily our forefathers anticipated such stuff when they gave us the Second Amendment. You see its not about shooting sports and duck hunting.

Courage is only fear that has said its prayers.

[This message has been edited by Ned Roundtree (edited January 13, 2000).]
You have touched one of my most passionate nerves. I feel strongly that it behooves each one of us to learn about the Posse Comitatus Act and its applicability today. Please see excellent discussion at this link.

Alos visit

Then see

and join with their 2nd amendment package at$100

Let me know what you think.

PS- I love this forum.

[This message has been edited by Ice Man (edited January 13, 2000).]