March on April 19th


New member
OK, I'm pretty sure all of you know about this by now ............

What are your thoughts? Anyone going?

My two cents: While I can certainly understand and sympathize with the spirit of the event, I don't see much possible good coming from this. I see only a perfect opportunity for a false flag operation, Fed - planted nutcase, or even an attack by SEIU - type thugs that is violent enough to provoke an armed response.

Or, am I just paranoid?
no, you are not paranoid.


I have been watching this for a few weeks now.

In addition their is a RESTORE THE CONSTITUION EVENT at the same time directly across the river in Virginia. This event will be an "open carry" demonstration.

As I understand it, it is an attempt to shake their guns in the tyrrants face. This event in my opinion is theone to watch for a false flag or some other type of curve ball.

If you google RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION you will find a site that gives all of the ground rules for those planning to attend.

While I appreciate the sentiments of the organizers re: speaking out against ever encroaching government, I am not one for thinking that a march or demonstration is going to change a damn thing at this point. I am also not keen on the possiblity of becoming a target in the event something goes wrong.

I would be interested in other's views on this dual set of Pro-2A demonstrations.