Sounds fun, but I've got a prior commitment... And I think my fiancee would kill me if I blew off the wedding to attend a political rally in DC!

Sic semper tyranus!
well there were about a hundred people that showed
at any one time maybe 50 standing around
photos online this week

some tourists listened
lots of preaching to the choir
we had one in-duh-vidual that jogged by with a group and decide that giving a nazi salute and yelling zieg heil was an appropriate thing to do

IMHO we need an event on the DC Mall with a Ted Nugent Concert

get the people there then speak about rights erosion

Great idea. Another idea is more or less "simultaneous" demos in several cities across the country. I live in Western Illinois and there was no way I could leave before 6pm Friday even if I could afford the airfare, but I could have made Chicago, St. Louis, etc. without too much trouble. Hell, a nationwide thing might get more press anyway, although I bet it would be HELL to organize.
Yup, a most inauspicious begining, but you gotta start somewhere. I'd like to thank those who did show up, those who organized it, but the bottom line is we need to do a better job at selling. Nothing happens until somebody sells something.

In most cases, RKBA is boring and anachronistic to most until you can put it in terms that mean something to the individual - like your ability to protect your self, your family, your home, your livlihood. We need to identify the threats, also. Three was a lot of good, high minded rhetoric, too. Some was pretty moving, even, but untill we make this a gut issue to the soccer moms (gross thought, eh?), we aren't going to get any hearts and minds.

Oh, well, every time you find out what doesn't work gets you closer to what does.
letus keep on truckin'. M2
On behalf of gun owners everywhere...let me say that although it was not the million man march, they and I applaud you effort and time. thank you. SDnR
That bonehead that jogged by really made a fool of himself. What a dolt.
I saw the Korean War memorial for the first time. That was really impressive.
Well, the airlines lost me to the point that I got there 12 hours later than planned (1 pm instead of 1 am) and I, too, was surprised at so low a turnout, but all there seemed to be some fine folks.

Sunday, waiting for my return flight in the airport, a gent saw the T-shirt and asked if that was the one he'd just read about, wanted to discuss it for some time, expressed an interest if it comes around next year. Unfortunately another member of the choir mentioned above, but the discussion seemed to be attracting a lot of attention from those around us.

Just hope I didn't step in it too badly, I hadn't been to sleep for around 30 hours.
I agree thanks for the effort.

Gwinny,I like your idea. Maybe designate a certain day, spread the word and let it happen. It wouldn't be that hard if it was consistant.

One thought on the Sieg Heil(sp) guy.
Suppose a camerman had taken his picture as he jogged by, with the group gathered in the background. Put the picture in the paper, and there you have it. A bunch of nazi's whineing about having their guns taken away. That is just exactly what Muffy Soccer Mom would think as she glanced at the picture in the paper and didn't read the story. Don't take this wrong, please. I know why you were there, and so apperantly did a lot of the "choir". BUT, how many fence sitters that were passing by, turned away because they saw the jerk jogger go by? I don't have an answer to this.

Well, maybe I do have a suggestion. I'm thinking about how this is hunting season. It is also the start of the holiday season. Imagine the impact of a picture in the paper, showing a hunter with an evil black gun, posed next to the game he is going to donate to a homeless shelter. How they gonna fight that?
CCW for Ohio action site.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited October 08, 1999).]
see how men in dresses, out number 2nd amendment marchers 10 to 1
watch the notorious ATF spy Blimp
observe the befuddled tourists
march with the ar15 listers to the department of justice
see the stripper clips & guides hung in effigy
remember for every view there is a counter view
especially if you are a blushing bride...

doc Zox

i got a picture of the 2 undercover BATF agents taking pictures...
; )
Hey guys,
Sorry we got there late. I didn't get a chance to make contact with anyone in person, but Marc took pictures. I'll scan 'em and send them out to Rich. You'll see the four of us in a couple of DZ's pictures too.( Hopefully I can still get help with half my ticket. I was disappointed with the turnout, but there really wasn't a large amount of advertising. I'm glad I got the chance to go.

Where the choice is between only violence and
cowardice, I would advise violence."
— Mohandas Gandhi