Marble Game Getter


New member
I've read as many posts as I could and I'm still confused. Is Marble's Game Getter an NFA weapon or not? Is there any way to register and own it legally now? I read one post in another forum saying it had been grandfather'ed in.
They are subject to the National Firearms Act in that they are short barreled shotguns and rifles. If it is not already registered, it cannot be registered as the amnesty period has long expired.
as far as I know, you would need to contact BATFE and inquire. However, you might consider having someone else make this inquiry for you, like an attorney.

I didn't register my USAS-12 during the official BATFE registration period. So, I had to have an attorney call them and see if it could still be registered - they said yes, so I went ahead and registered it on a Form 1.
If your game getter is just a receiver with no barrels, or has permanent barrel extensions or barrels over 18" then it is not regulated.

If you have a receiver now, after it is registered you then can go find a set of barrels that fits your receiver.

If the gun is already contraband then it can be turned over to the police for duty use.
Thanks guys. I know an attorney so I'll see if I can get him to find out for me.
Thanks again,