Map of lawful self defense uses


New member
If its not reported, it can't be real "news"....

This would be interesting to see plotted over the last few decades with a few filters to allow for plotting the data by category.

But I'll bet this graphic don't make the evening network news. Or see the light of day.....unless it goes viral.
The only posting for Michigan is a case that was all over the local news. I must add that there have been several other stories that made the news, including a utility worker using his concealed pistol to fend off two armed thugs who tried to rob him. One was killed the other hospitalized. My question is who puts the information onto that map since well known and covered cases are not represented.
Send the references to someone at the Cato institute so they can add them to their map. I don't know what criteria they used for selecting their source data, but it cannot hurt to try to add to their database.

The whole point is that these cases are not widely reported, and therefore also more to find and document. I would expect there to be many more cases that occurred than those Cato Inst. found and managed to map. Some were reported by media, some reported to authorities but completely ignored by media, and probably many that went unreported to anyone.

Not surprising at all that many are missing. Burying factual information is every bit as much a propaganda tool as reporting and sensationalizing false or misleading information. The GunGrabberz have no reason to report lawful self defense usage, and many reasons to bury those incidents. Since the legacy media definitely have an easily predictable slant in their world-view......
The whole point is that these cases are not widely reported, and therefore also more to find and document

"The whole point is that these cases are not widely reported, and therefore also more DIFFICULT to find and document"

what I meant to type........
^Its hard to list every single known incident

At the bottom of the page you can help provide information from well known incidents in your state. It will help them add more, which will help more people realize how guns can save lives.
Silly of me not to notice. Thanks!

I'm gonna email the map to every gunGrabber in my contact list. Odds are it is ignored by all