Manual for sabotaging wolf hunts published


New member
Earth First has published a manual for sabotaging wolf hunts and trapping. I hope any people who do try to interfere with this year's wolf hunts are caught and prosecuted.

Have any of your hunts (for any game) been interfered with deliberately by activists?
One paragraph to show how insane these people must be, bolded for emphasis:

The authors of the manual describe themselves as, “hunters and proud of it,” adding, “But we aren’t proud of what passes for hunting these days and especially for what passes as ‘sportsman’ hunting. Somehow, the National Rifle Association, yuppie trophy hunters, cattle barons, and the Obama Administration are in cahoots in an effort that promises to wipe wolves clean off the planet. And in that case, we choose to be saboteurs for the wild.”

Riiiiight! The Obama Administration and the NRA are in cahoots.... yeah.:eek::rolleyes:

As far as having hunts interfered with, no, it's not happened to me. I feared that it would when a new hunting program opened up in an area known nation-wide for being very anti-hunting but nothing ever came of it.

Possibly, that's because NY has strict hunter harassment laws.
The link on their site is dead. It's mirrored here.

I have to wonder how legitimate they are when some of their instructions for dismantling traps include measures to erase fingerprints. On top of that, they're showing amateurs how to handle a wolf that's been injured in a trap. Um, yeah.
Looks unintentional humor piece!

First, they claim to be redneck hunters. Then claim no self-respecting redneck would want to hunt wolves. What?! Every redneck I know would jump at the chance to hunt a wolf.

Luckily, slob “hunters” most often travel by pickup,
snowmobile, ATV or some other lazy hunting
contraption which means we can take the wheels right
out from under them, rendering them helpless.

Most rednecks travel by truck, snowmobile or ATV! Do these supposed redneck authors travel by Prius?

While they keep referring to slob yuppie hunters, they actually admit the contrary:
Trappers range in age from 10-year-olds to senior
citizen pensioners. Most live in rural areas and small
towns. In many areas, state wildlife officers are among
the most avid trappers, cashing in on their job-related
knowledge of wildlife habits and locations.

Pretty hilarious booklet in terms of being written by fellow redneck hunters.

From what I read their strategy is:
- They know they are breaking the law, so be sneaky
- Locate homes of trappers from trap notices, etc.
- Follow trapper on his route (usually on weekends)
- When trapper is not running his line, sneak in and sabotage the traps
- Take a camera, roll of TP, binocs, bird book along to rpetend you are there for other pursuits
- Use lineman pliers to cut wires securing the trap and then dispose of traps
- Try to conceal your tracks so trapper cannot follow you (haha!)
- Sabotage the road or paths to disable the yuppie slob hunter vehicles

I wonder what the laws are regarding setting a bear trap in the snow below a marlin trap on a pole? Not that it would be intended to break the foot of an unsuspecting person sabotaging your marlin trap, but in case a bear came along to inspect the marlin.
I wonder what the laws are regarding setting a bear trap in the snow below a marlin trap on a pole? Not that it would be intended to break the foot of an unsuspecting person sabotaging your marlin trap, but in case a bear came along to inspect the marlin.
Although the bear trap might be more fun, a game camera would be more effective.
Maybe "marten"? :)

I'm pretty fair in the boonies. I've sneaked up on a buck to within ten feet and hit him in the rump with a marble-sized rock, just to enjoy the pandemonium. I generally spot other folks in an area long before they ever see me.

Somebody wants to mess up my hunt? Have you any idea how high a person can levitate when an unexpected voice in their ear suddenly says, "HOWDY!"

I did that to a poacher, just before daylight one morning. Anything downwind sure knew where he was. :D:D:D
everyone seems to be forgetting the booby trap manuals that peta paid its associate groups to publish and distribute back in the 90s on how to create death traps for motorized vehicles out in the wilderness that were based on things sneaky viet cong were leaveing around the jungle.
Ooops that what I get for multitasking. Yes marten not marlin!
I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but I did chuckle when I read it. ;)

It reminded me of a news story when I lived in Florida ...
Some commercial fishermen came across a black bear, swimming directly away from land, 8 miles out in the Gulf of Mexico. When a Fish and Wildlife boat arrived, they managed to sedate and capture the bear. ...and give the commercial boat captain a stern warning for being over-quota on Red Snapper. ;)
The link on their site is dead. It's mirrored here.

I have to wonder how legitimate they are when some of their instructions for dismantling traps include measures to erase fingerprints. On top of that, they're showing amateurs how to handle a wolf that's been injured in a trap. Um, yeah.

Thanks for the link. It does seem like it might be risky for some misguided person to release a wolf from a trap. Let's hope folks are smart enough not to do that.
"Let's hope folks are smart enough not to do that."

If they aren't, and the wolf does what comes naturally to a wolf, I'm not gonna be mad at the wolf. Probably give him a doggie-treat.
This hind of thing make me chuckle.

These people never think of what could happen if they get caught by a hunter, deep in the brush.

There are folks out there that would leave them tied to a tree, stripped down to their skives covered in honey.
I wonder what the laws are regarding setting a bear trap in the snow below a marlin trap on a pole? Not that it would be intended to break the foot of an unsuspecting person sabotaging your marlin trap, but in case a bear came along to inspect the marlin.

I didn't think bear traps were legal for use anymore. I believe Maine was the last state to allow them. Even Alaska limits jaw size for foot hold traps to 9''.