Mandatory Guns


I am working on a school project and have heard about a place where everyone is required to own a gun by law and because of this the crime rate has decreased. I was told it might be in Georgia. Does anyone know anything about the subject?
jenn , review the posts here from the last 6 months cause I remember reading about it several times. I think it was also on the general discussions board here at tfl and also in some old posts on
on the legal& political board & also on the Firearms rights activists board.
ernest2 ,Ct can opperater
for Ct. can list
Jenn: I have read that after Morton Grove passed its anti-handgun law, its burglary rate went up.

Note that the official policy of Kennesaw is no enforcement of the law. The mayor commented that they merely wanted to make a statement.

Given that their crime rate went down, they obviously have. Trouble is, since the facts don't fit the media's preconceived notions, they aren't listening to the statement.

Regards, Art
Jenn, tell us more about your project. Is it a legal treatise? A statement? A science fair? Are you a shooter? Remember to use caution when mentioning firearms in school, because some of the 'zero-tolerance' policies can get ridiculous. Good luck on the paper, and ya'll come back now, heah? TMoney
The project is a final exam research paper on gun control for a writing class. The instructor already approved the topic, it was one of his suggestion actually, but thanks for the concern.
Jenn, it might be too late in the game, but get hold of "The Samurai, the Mountie, and the Cowboy" by David B. Kopel. He examines how gun controls work/don't work in Japan, Canada, the British Commonwealth, Switzerland, and the U.S. Cultural differences are the dominant factor.

It's somewhat long but worth reading --

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.

If you want to talk about "mandatory guns" take a look at peaceful Switzerland. Every able head of household is required to keep a fully automatic rifle in this home. Men women and children are seen carrying guns during target competition. It is the national sport. Where we have golf courses and bowling alleys, the Swiss have rifle ranges.

It scared the pee out of Hilter's Generals.


"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American." Tench Coxe 2/20/1788

If you want to talk about "mandatory guns" take a look at peaceful Switzerland. Every able head of household is required to keep a fully automatic rifle in this home. Men women and children are seen carrying guns during target competition. It is the national sport. Where we have golf courses and bowling alleys, the Swiss have rifle ranges.

It scared the pee out of Hilter's Generals.


"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American." Tench Coxe 2/20/1788

If you want to talk about "mandatory guns" take a look at peaceful Switzerland. Every able head of household is required to keep a fully automatic rifle in this home. Men women and children are seen carrying guns during target competition. It is the national sport. Where we have golf courses and bowling alleys, the Swiss have rifle ranges.

It scared the pee out of Hilter's Generals.


"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American." Tench Coxe 2/20/1788

If you want to learn a lesson about a universally armed society, go check out Switzerland where every able head of household must keep at least one fully automatic rifle at home. Men, women and children can be seen carrying guns during targt matches. Riflery is the national sport. While we have golf courses and bowling alleys they have rifle ranges. Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in Europe and nearly as low as Japan without relying on that country's police state twice-yearly home "inspections."

An added bonus of the Swiss armed state of being was the fear it caused Hitler's Generals who never did get the courage to invade during WW2.


"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American." Tench Coxe 2/20/1788

The town is Kenesaw, if I'm spelling it correctly. I believe it is not very far from Atlanta.

There were exceptions in their ordinance, for those with religious scruples and such, as I recall. They have a very low crime rate, though it is a small town
If congress and Clinton could read english, every able bodied citizen in the U.S. would have an M-16A2 in his/her house with the training to use it.
Captured documents after WWII showed that the Japanese had considered an invasion of the west coast but rejected it based on an overwhelmingly armed populace. The closest they got was to lob five 5-inch shells into an oil storage tank yard near Santa Barbara from a submarine. They hit nothing strategic.
The town is Kennesaw, Ga, about 30 miles north of Atlanta. The law was put in place in response to a banning of firearms in a town in Illinois. My understanding is that crime is virtually non-existent in Kennesaw. As to the reference about Switzerland, it's national policy states that all males over 18 must serve in the military and that once, discharged, must be in the reserves (which requires keeping a service weapon). As a result, virtually every home in Switzerland has a trained, armed person and for some reason, crime doesn't seem to be a problem. Good luck on your paper and out of curiousity, what's your stance on gun control, pro or con?
Sorry about this additional post but if you run a search under either Kennesaw or the user "red bull", there is a thread dated 11/8 with quite a few statistics on crime in Kennesaw since the law was enacted. Hope this helps.
Here's photographic proof that the Swiss DO keep fully automatic weapons in the home:


(Taken during my latest trip to Europe, about a month ago)

The fella above is 20, and is now a member of the Swiss Army (which is set up a lot like the national guard). His dad still has his pistol from his days in the service. And yes, the crime rate is VERY low. You can leave goods out on the street and no one will steal them.

This isn't to say crime is nonexistent. There is your occasional auto theft or someone stealing electonics.

Also, you don't see people walking around with guns everywhere (which is the image some conjure up). They know they have their place, and are very responsible with them.


"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges." (The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus