Mancow Muller


New member
Just any of you guys listen to Mancow (AM talk radio show)? He's like a young, more crude version of Rush Limbaugh. I guess he's kind of like Howard Stern, although I hate to make the comparison, seeing as to how I feel Stern is an idiot. If you make it through the vulgar antics, he is very much on our side and has a lot of insight and wisdom. The reason I ask is because I would like to know what y'all think of what he reports and some of his theories (such as the liberal media's agenda and der Fuhrer Klintler [mit umlaut]).
The Rock listens to Mancow on the way to work in the morning and agrees he is on our side. Sometimes his show is vulgar and crude, but you get what you pay for.
He is Pro 1st ammendment (of course) and realizes that without the 2nd the first can't ne guarranteed. Voted the #1 Anti Clinton show in America. When you wade through the sex and drug comments and listen to his politics you see he is in line with us people in our 20's and 30's - He is 31 I believe. Check out his website Visit 'The Truth' too. You can listen to him on the internet too.
one of the local FM rock/pop stations started carrying him. I only catch him now and then; he's OK, but I wish he didn't dumb down his material so much. sure beats Howard Stern...
Yeah, I listnen to the Cow every morning. Despite all of his antics he is much on our side and I'm proud to have him on our side. He is reaching out to many of the liberal brainwashed youth of America and instilling them with some patriotic themes and getting the truth out about our government and bias media. Hes doing a lot of good, sometimes when I think theres nobody else with some of my beliefs the cow will start his clinton bashing and will get my day going.
Mancow was like Howard Stern before Howard Stern was a house hold name. He started his Career out here in CA a long time ago, and then moved to chicago and got syndicated.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
I listen to Mancow once in awhile, he cracks me up sometimes. I met him once at The Cubby Bear (You Chicago people should know that) he is nice but a big perv. like someone said above, he sure beats Howard Stern.
I used to listen to him but I tune in from time to time he is a real perv but I like his "THE TRUTH" segment I think he has larry flint on tomorrow and no doubt he will tear him to shreds!