Man Shot At Gun Show!

old biker

Yep, that's me. Think I got rich? Wrong, NRA insurance. They hired a staff of lawyers. I got squat. Went through four lawyers of my own. Nada, zip! Sucking chest wound, last rites from the priest. Twenty odd pieces of lead and steel in my lung and heart. The promoter came to the hospital and hugged my wife and said no worries, NRA insurance. WRONG. best part is that I was banned from going to that gun show. Sorry, wrong meeting. I LUV the NRA(ya, right)


If you don't mind me asking.

How the HELL did you get SHOT ???</p>
And what about suing the numbnuts that pulled the trigger ?

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Old Biker - I agree with HS. It doesn't sound like its the NRA's fault you were injured any more than the gun manufacturers are responsible for gun violence.

Who pulled the trigger? There's the responsible (irresponsible?) party.
I assume you posted this seeking opinons on your situation. Before we can make judgements we're going to need full details. What you've posted so far just doesn't sound right.
Old biker,
Are you sure you just didn't wreck your hog while riding without a helmet again?

No really, what's the straight poop on the accident old biker?
old biker, i have to agree w/ everone else, give up some more info. that is unless you're jerkin' on our chains!!!

fiat justitia
Well, the numb skull that shot me did'nt have enough insurance to cover hospital. He brought a Win. Mod 70-30-06 into the show with a loaded mag and bolt removed. When he put the bolt in and pulled the trigger....Nov.22 1993. Anchorage Alaska. I made the front page of the metro section. Guns brought into gun shows are supposed to be tied with the plastic zips. Gun going off at gun shows is not that rare. In the twenty plus years I've been working gun shoes, I've seen three. A young girl in Colo. was blinded from a Glaser discharged into the concrete floor. All public events normally have insurance to cover liability of the gun show-concert-ballet-whatever. Sorry for the rant, the metal remaining in my heart caused a heart seizure two months ago. Another sweet memory, did'nt even get refunded for the tables nor the membership I had to pay to the club just to rent a table. The member document for the show specifys that the guns will be zip tied. I've seen vendors kicked out of shows in several states for violating that rule.


Well, I'm sorry for doubting you, and for your misfortune. Best of luck to you. It will make me a bit more cautious at the shows.

Now, I better make sure my wife paid those premiums on my long-term disability and life insurance policies ...
I'll draw some heat for the following, but that's how it goes sometimes. Sorry, but "three" ADs in 20 years of shows is still a RARE thing to have happen. I realize that the accident is of Universe-Shattering importance to the ones injured, but "three" out of millions of people attending thousands of shows with millions of guns and rounds of ammunition being moved about is still a statistical blip. NOT that the gun-haters won't pump-up-the-volume and have this as an EPIDEMIC - a prime reason of why shows (and guns) must be banned! Regardless of some nitwit accidently firing a gun at a show, OR of some criminal scumbag using a gun to commit a crime, the bottom line remains unchanged: The 2nd Amendment reads "...shall not be infringed." There is no convenient clause regarding stupidity or choosing to break existing laws. To Biker, man, my chest hurts reading of your injury and continuing problems. You are obviously not into the sympathy-seeking game, but the feeling I offer is a respecful one. A very bad thing to happen to a decent-sounding person and their family. By the way, regarding shows, I know that no-one can see everything or stop everything that happens. But my "radar" is REALLY going as I walk the aisles. I watch as best I can who's carrying guns and where they're pointed. I really look-out for the "in-the-aisle" deals, wherein someone is standing in the aisle, fiddling with a gun. I know that Biker certainly didn't prance knowingly into a bullets' path. The others hurt in gun-show ADs also didn't WANT to be shot. I'm just saying that the door-guard cops and .08 cent zip-ties aren't enough security to allow you to drop your guard. In a play on a line from Jurassic Park, remember: "Stupidity will find a way."