Man Shoots Himself With G18

You can see the exit hole if you watch close. I'm sure if the camera kept rolling you would hear the tractor fixin' words.
I have seen the video before and I don't think he shot himself. If he had gotten his hand in front of the muzzle his hand would have been REAL close to the muzzle like within 3-4 inches. With that closeness I don't think it would have been that small a wound. Now he might have gotten nicked by the bullet or burned by muzzle flash but I don't think it was a full on strike.
It was probably 9mm ball and punched right through with minimal damage as they tend to do. We saw the hole immeadatly after the shot and then the camera cuts off, not enough time for the blood to start flowing or the guy to fully realize what he just did. I bet he freaked the hell out right after that!
wow, thanx for that post. That reminds me to never ever do anything with any of my guns that seams like it might not be a good idea. I've had enough close calls just riding a motorcycle, I dont need to add guns to that list. Seams like a neat idea having that grip on there. But I've mounted flashlights to my shotgun that popped right off after only 3 shots. hope that guy can still fully use his hand. :barf:
Overdose of Kool-Aid possibly? When I see these young Rambo's at the range I use I generally leave and come back another time...
He was shot with ball ammo by looking at the wound.

well, THANK GOD it wasnt a 45 ACP, he would have spun around in a circle and died right there

Is this really needed on a thread about a man being wounded.Could you please stay on topic and leave the childish attacks for a 9mm vs 45 acp thead.
Having been shot accidently in the arm with 9mm ball, his reaction is pretty geniune, atleast to me. I remember just thinking afterword "that didn't hurt that bad", even with breaking my ulna. That being said, sucks for him, i'd be pretty ticked off if a weapon malfunctioned and shot me.
Is this really needed on a thread about a man being wounded.Could you please stay on topic and leave the childish attacks for a 9mm vs 45 acp thead.

Judging by the hyperbole of Anchorage's statement (he would have spun around in a circle and died right there), I understood it to be tongue-in-cheeck rather than a childish attack. I doubt seriously he was insinuating that a .45 caliber wound to an appendage would cause immediate death.
If you watch you can see the front handle on the gun come off and see it on the ground after he shoots himself. It looks like he was pushing forward on the handle and when it came off he pushed his hand in front of the muzzle.

this incident happened in Omaha, at TBH.......

What the hell do you need an extra handle on a 9mm Glock for, anyway....... ?