Man against beast..

Mark M33

New member
Last week, I was talking to one of the LEO's and he was telling me of an incident that happened that week about a cop who shot himself trying to stop a charging Pitbul. He responded in a domistic and while he was talking to the husband he sees the dog and tells him to secure it, the dog charges, he fires two 9mm +P+ into the dog, dog still jumps at him and while falling back he fires one on his leg trying to get another shot. This happened so fast that the LEO draws and fires. Any experience in similar incidents? Animals being a smaller target and not as dense as humans would probably present a problem with the self-defense loads that we carry. What would a pistolero do, civilian or LEO. M33
Excuse me guys! Pistollero would shoot charging dog in head not in own foot!
Instead of Good Shooting how about Stuff Happens? Hank
Cooper asks us to avoid shooting a dog at all costs. That is his advice.

This dog bite victim suggests offering dog the muzzle of the pistol when he opens mouth to bite it pull trigger smoothly and quickly to the rear several times! ;-D

The owner is the one who should be shot! :-(

But the dog bite is to be avoided! Remember no matter what anyone says, it is only a dog, best that a dog die than a human be bitten.

just my .02 worth

Ni ellegimit carborundum esse!

Yours In Marksmanship

In my opinion, a large, fast moving dog is a tough opponent and I would rather use a large knife (7" plus bowie) than a handgun. I've thought about this one before and considered the possibility of a miss to be pretty high.

Personal weapons are what raised mankind out of the mud, and the rifle is the queen of personal
weapons. The possession of a good rifle, as well as the skill to use it well, truly makes a man the
monarch of all he surveys.
-- Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle
Dorsi, If I could gain your trust, could I stand behind you holding a ?single shot shotgun? and watch you do this?
Just thinking out loud, sorry. Hank
Good Knifeing
Dorsai <--- Good name selection by the way.

Dogs in general, when used as weapons: Viable Targets in my book. I have shot two dogs... One Sick and Rabid, a family friend and a bad situation... the other, a viscouse beast left uncontroled by the drunk next door. The dog was threatening my wife and 2 year old twins. A .40 cal Magsafe to the skull ended that threat. This was a dog that had a history of mauling people... I ended that. The owner came running out and I simply said "Do you wanna be next?" And that put the fire out of him. He dragged the carcas out of my driveway, then called the sheriff and said I entered his yard and killed his dog that was chained up. Well - the dog had chewed through the line, an dthat was obvious - just like the blood trail the sheriff noted. We (the sherif and I) talked for only 2 minutes. Then he went over and gave the Drunk @sshole a citation.

Funny - shortly after - the cat population recovered, and grew to astounding proportions. "It was a friendly dog" the Dirt bag kept saying. Yeah right.

I like your advice. I would want a longarm, though.

I would opine that this would be a really good time for a cane to back up that handgun. Use the cane to keep them at perfect "popping distance"- if you get lucky, maybe you can shove it up their throat, and avoid having to fire.

If a LEO, I would have immediately produced my impact weapon or pepper agent upon sight of the dog. This would be much less threatening than unsheathing a firearm. Hard to accidentally shoot someone with an ASP, as well...

If no impact weapon available, I might suggest a good hard blow on the nose to be a good choice. A lot will depend on the attack pattern of the dog in question.
Hitting such a small target moving that fast would seem to be nearly impossible, particularly if its start position is rather close. Keeping your gun hand free would be paramount. You may want to actually offer the dog something to chew on (like your other arm) while you put the muzzle to his chest and fire away.

There's more than one good reason why cops use dogs; people fear them in part because it's hard to defend a dog attack.
I'm not the drunk :) but I've had four dogs shot. Only one was killed and it took four shots of number 1 shot to do it. The others were shot with (1) bird shot (2) .357 Magnum x 1 (3) .357 Magnum x 1. I would opt for letting the dog bite my muzzle and then rapid fire.
I don't know guy's but when I worked in the uniform division a 24" X 2" oak night stick "Babe Ruth" style worked wonders a couple of times. Very little noise and no major volumes of paper work........