Malkin on Michelle Obama's Pride


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Michelle Obama’s America–and mine
By Michelle Malkin • February 20, 2008 08:04 AM

Barack Obama–the guy who effectively mocked the Clintons for not saying what they mean–is now trying to spin his wife’s comments by explaining that she, uh, didn’t really mean what she said.

I give you your morning snort-starter:

Democratic Sen. Barack Obama sought Tuesday to clarify his wife’s statement that she is proud of the U.S. “for the first time in my adult life.” He said her newfound pride is about the political system and was not meant to disparage her country…”Statements like this are made and people try to take it out of context and make a great big deal out of it, and that isn’t at all what she meant,” Obama said. “What she meant was, this is the first time that she’s been proud of the politics of America,” he said. “Because she’s pretty cynical about the political process, and with good reason, and she’s not alone. But she has seen large numbers of people get involved in the process, and she’s encouraged.”
Jim Hoft has the vid of Michelle Obama repeating the line twice. She meant what she said.


My column this week gives you two Michelles, two Americas. John Edwards was right after all!

Michelle Obama’s America—and mine
Michelle Malkin
Copyright Creators Syndicate 2008

Like Michelle Obama, I am a “woman of color.” Like Michelle Obama, I am a working mother of two young children. Like Michelle Obama, I am a member of the 13th Generation of Americans born since the founding of our great nation.

Unlike Michelle Obama, I can’t keep track of the number of times I’ve been proud—really proud—of my country since I was born and privileged to live in it.

At a speech in Milwaukee this week on behalf of her husband’s Democrat presidential campaign, Mrs. Obama remarked that “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change.”

Mrs. Obama’s statement was met with warm applause from other Barack supporters who have apparently also been devoid of pride in their country for their adult lifetimes. Or maybe it was just a Pavlovian response to the word “change.” What a sad, empty, narcissistic, ungrateful, unthinking lot.

I’m just seven years younger than Mrs. Obama. We’ve grown up and lived in the same era. And yet, her self-absorbed attitude is completely foreign to me. What planet is she living on? Since when was now the only time the American people have ever been “hungry for change?” Michelle, ma belle, Barack is not the center of the universe. Newsflash: The Obamas did not invent “change” any more than Hillary invented “leadership” or John McCain invented “straight talk.”

We were both adults when the Berlin Wall fell, Michelle. That was earth-shattering change.

We’ve lived through two decades’ worth of peaceful, if contentious election cycles under the rule of law that have brought about “change” and upheaval both good and bad.

We were adults through several launches of the Space Shuttle, in case you were snoozing. [Ed. note: Speaking of which, welcome back, Atlantis!] And as adults, we’ve witnessed and benefited from dizzyingly rapid advances in technology, communications, science, and medicine pioneered by American entrepreneurs who yearned and succeeded to change the world. You want “change?” Go ask the patients whose lives have been improved and extended by American pharmaceutical companies who have flourished under the best economic system in the world.

If the fall of communism, American ingenuity, and a robust constitutional republic don’t do it for you, hon, then how about American heroism and sacrifice?

How about every Memorial Day? Every Veteran’s Day? Every Independence Day? Every Medal of Honor ceremony? Has she never attended a welcome home ceremony for the troops?

For me, there’s the thrill of the Blue Angels roaring over cloudless skies. And the somber awe felt amid the hallowed waters that surround the sunken U.S.S. Arizona at the Pearl Harbor memorial.

Every naturalization ceremony I’ve attended, where hundreds of new Americans have raised their hands to swear an oath of allegiance to this land of liberty, has been a moment of pride for me. So have the awesome displays of American compassion at home and around the world. When millions of Americans rallied to help the victims of the 2005 tsunami in southern Asia—including members of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group that sped from Hong Kong to assist survivors—my heart filled with pride. It did again when the citizens of Houston opened their arms to Hurricane Katrina victims and folks across the country rushed to their churches, Salvation Army, and Red Cross offices to volunteer.

How about American resilience? Does that not make you proud? Only a heart of stone could be unmoved by the strength, valor and determination displayed in New York and Washington and Shanksville, Pa., on September 11, 2001.

I believe it was Michael Kinsley who quipped that a gaffe is when a politician tells the truth. In this case, it’s what happens when an elite Democrat politician’s wife says what a significant portion of the party’s base really believes to be the truth: That America is more a source of shame than pride.

Michelle Obama has achieved enormous professional success, political influence, and personal acclaim in America. Ivy League-educated, she’s been lauded by Essence magazine as one of the 25 World’s Most Inspiring Women; by Vanity Fair as one of the “10 World’s Best Dressed People; and named one of “The Harvard 100″ top influencers. She has had an amazingly blessed life. But you wouldn’t know it from her campaign rhetoric and her griping over her and her husband’s student loans.

For years, we’ve heard liberals get offended at any challenge to their patriotism. And so they are again aggrieved and rising to explain away Mrs. Obama’s remarks.

Like Lady MacBeth*, Lady Michelle and her defenders protest too much.


Update: Yes, my English teachers are going to kill me. The Shakespeare reference is to Hamlet, not MacBeth!
Who cares. She isn't running for office. It's sad that she doesn't seem proud to be American, but I'm guessing much worse will be said in the days to come. The election is a long ways off.
Honestly who cares what Michelle Obama says.

And to those of you who think this matter in the general election, I have two words for you: Hillary Clinton.

She put foot in her mouth repeatedly during the 90's and Bill kept being elected.
I agree 1st but at the same time her comments will take some of the shine off the Obama campign. And any back pedaling he does or skirting issues his wife brings up, proves that he is just like the rest a "politician" whoring for my vote.

A little sand in the gears as it were.

November is still a long ways away.
I agree 1st but at the same time her comments will take some of the shine off the Obama campign. And any back pedaling he does or skirting issues his wife brings up, proves that he is just like the rest a "politician" whoring for my vote.

A little sand in the gears as it were.

November is still a long ways away

He is just like any other politician, the reason for his popularity has more to do with people being sick of the Bush admin and not thinking another Clinton is the answer.

Well, that, and he is charismatic, he is very much like Reagan and Clinton in his ability to communicate effectively through words. Which like it or not, goes a long way in American politics. Reagan would have never have wooed, so called "Reagan democrats" if he had not been such a charistmatic figure.

I hate to say this, but it is beginning to look more and more like Obama is almost inevitable, barring a major slip up on his part.

The legacy of W, will not be Iraq, it will be the destruction of the Republican coalition that Reagan built back in 1980, same way Johnson destroyed the democratic coaltion that FDR put together.

Think about it except for 8 years of Eisenhower, the democratic party controlled the presidency from 1932 to 1968, 28 out of 36 years. The coalition FDR built destructed in 1968.

Reagan built a coaltion in 1980 that has lasted to 2008, except for Clinton, the Republicans controlled the presidency for 20 out of 28 years.

I have this sneaky feeling that the coaltion the Reagan built is falling apart and that this election will be like 1968 was for the democrats.

I know I am going to buy every gun I have been thinking about buying before Obama wins.

Not saying I want him to win, but it looks to be the front runner to me.

Last night in Wisconsin Obama go more primary votes then both McCain and Huckabee combined, even with Hillary siphoning off a good chunk of democratic votes in a swing state.
Kids!!! are we really made from the same DNA as the generation that put the pimp slap on Adolf Hitler and pals?

Let's not give up just yet! Yes it looks bad for freedom lovers right now. We have some time, let's not get gloomy. Barack has nothing to offer but standard liberal policies that have failed. McCain ain't perfect, but he is a Maverick.

We still get to choose our representatives. This is the time to get serious. If we all just think of one more thing we can do what are the possibilities?

We took over the Hill before and we can do it again. Keep spreading the word.
Hate to say it but this really is a non event and soon will be forgotten by the electorate. It has already been dropped my most media outlets for more important issues.
Hate to say it but this really is a non event and soon will be forgotten by the electorate. It has already been dropped my most media outlets for more important issues.

E Pluribus Unum.........
Regardless of which party happened to be exactly where at the time, what has happened starting with FDR, and even earlier for that matter, has been a disaster in terms of expansion of the federal government and disinfranchisement of the people which has allowed for the potential harm that can be done by Obama or Hitlary or even McCain. It shouldn't have to matter which one of the 3 bad choices is in office: NONE of them should be able to do the majority of the things that we know they want to do. The rule of law by the Constitution and an informed public should guard against their attempted shennannigans, but it is clear we no longer possess the latter and questionable as to whether we still have the former.
I don't agree that it's a non event. It more than likely won't make a difference in the election though, given media preference, so it will be swept under the rug. It's noteworthy because her comment exemplifies what we hear from the left all to often with little positive to say and much criticism of this country. People get tired of it. Some have lost loved ones who defended this great nation. If she becomes the First Lady many people will remember those words so she better learn how to moderate her lip service.