Tom Kinnaird
Those of youse who use the Makarov as a carry weapon. What is the best holster you have found for concealed carry for the little beast? I'm going to have to be much more familiar/proficient with it before I consider carrying one, but the PA-63s which are my carry of choice now, I just slip into the "security pocket" of the vests and jackets I wear. The Mak is a lot more "robust" than the FEG, and with my new love affair with the Mak I know I'm going to eventually want to haul it along instead of the Hungarians. The Mak seems a little too heavy to carry the way I have the PA63s, and the only holsters I'm familiar with are the old Gubberment issue .45 flap jobbies--so any and all advice would be welcome.
Tom K.
Tom K.