Making to much noise


So, I came home yesterday, and expected to hear my house alarm go off. I heard nothing, meaning either two things had happened. First possiblity, is that someone was in my house. Another and more likely possibility is that my wife forgot to set it. Going with the first possibility, I took my 1911 out of my holster, and started to check if everything was ok.

I maybe took two steps, and I realized something. I AM MAKING ALOT OF NOISE. I had probably only fifty cents of change in my pocket, which was loud enough for anyone waiting for me.

Ended up being the wife, but just wanted to share this story with everyone. I have a thousand dollar handgun. I have practiced well. I even have really nice bullets in the gun. But these things would have meant nothing if my sound telegraphed my location to a bad guy. From now on, I empty my change out in my car.
Thanks for the simple reminder

I have trained extensively in noise and light discicpline, but I still need reminders once in a while. Just like playing counterstrike (don't laugh or scold me, I train my section in our off hours on counterstrike. It's fun, so it's not work, but they learn how to communicate and work together. It also provides an excellent tool for teaching fire and manuever techniques) and playing with sim rounds help my boys understand the importance of all around security, it usually takes a situation like you describe to help us remember to be quite and prep our gear accordingly. Wow, that was a mouthful. You brought up an excellent examlpe and good reminder, thanks.
Yomama, . . . not meaning to criticize, . . . but plan A at Dwight's house in your situation is simple: block the driveway, . . . call the cops, . . . wait with handgun drawn for something to happen (either bad guys leaving or cops arriving).

No matter how good you know your house, furniture, etc.; you are still the intruder into the bg's lair if he knows or even thinks you are coming in on him.

Most LEO's I know would far rather come to a house and search it in vain rather than come to a homicide where the bg did in the home owner.

Just food for thought.

May God bless,
So, I came home yesterday, and expected to hear my house alarm go off. I heard nothing, meaning either two things had happened. First possiblity, is that someone was in my house. Another and more likely possibility is that my wife forgot to set it.
What do you mean by "go off"? If someone was already in your house, wouldn't the siren be screaming?
I'd have to take off my shoes. Damn things squeak like crazy...every step. Worse than chewing on a rubber band!
It IS possible to overcome just about ANY alarm system...
Sure its possible, but bad guys don't usually try to "overcome" residential alarm systems.

If you mean interfere with its ability to report to the monitoring station, the most common tactic they use is cutting phone lines, but that still does not prevent the siren from functioning. You could also find the control panel during the entry delay and destroy it before it reported but good luck doing that.

If by overcome you mean prevent the siren from ringing, you would have to find it (after it started ringing) and smash it or rip it out.
Dwight55 is on the right track but, I'd modify it just alittle.. Do what he said, then call your home with your cell phone (you do carry one when your "carrying" right?). If anyone other than mom or the kids (if any) answer or there's no answer at all, CALL the LEO's. Thats what they are trained and paid to do..! That way your in a more secure location etc. No time to be macho, what if there was 2 or more BG's inside? NOT GOOD!!
I meant by going off, setting it off so you only have thirty seconds to disarm it. In addition to the alarm, I have surveilance camera outside, and a beautiful puppy dog, that is not so cute if she doesn't know you.

I did however ignore the advise i've heard before to not clear the house. I knew that many have told me it's not a good idea, but i did it anyway, half expecting no one to be there. I guess i'm lucky no one was, and would plan on using the cell phone to call police next time. Thanks again everyone.
If it makes you feel any better - you made a lot of noise when you opened the front door.
Semper Fi-
David Williams

ever see pulp fiction.

lol just kidding
I would never enter my home if I thought there may be an intruder there. I would go to a safe place nearby and call 911 and wait with my carry weapon. Let the professionals do the "clearing.":eek:
+1 for annie. No need to be a hero. thats what they pay police for. Unless of course someone you value is in the house. Thats another horse entirely.
