Making sense over at DU?

The no fly list....

If your name is Robert Johnson you might be matched against the list. 60 minutes had 12 guys on the show. They were all matched against the list and are named Robert Johnson. 60 minutes even questioned the Asst. Director in charge of the list and she came off looking like a bimbo after being questioned about the list.
As far as I'm concerned, BenEzra and his associates in what the DU call the "Gungeon" are about the only people who can truly call themselves progressives.

In my Opinion, blaming/punishing innocent people for the actions of criminals, like the AWB or the Hughes Amendment, is about about as progressive as the Phelps protest marches.
but do we see more proof that so called progressives are adopted the gun movement..

Not so much in the link referenced in this thread:

but it's a little older.

With nearly 15,000 views and nearly 200 replies, I think it’s safe to say that that thread has something for everybody ! Dad, Mom, the kids, even Grandma. It’s the kind of thread where the whole family can just pull up to the ol’ monitor with a cold drink, and go through the posts (both on DU and THR) and laugh your guts out together ! Even teenagers will temporarily put aside their know-it-all posturing to join in the family fun.

Don't be surprised if little Rover starts running around in circles and barking in joy as he joins in the merriment ! Even the family anti-gun whacko, while outwardly hostile, will start cracking an embarrassed grin as the truth of the message flows over her like a high tide over a clam !
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I was looking at this thread with the subject of Obama’s call for a permanent AWB

and found this post:

All rifles combined account for less than 3% of U.S. homicides, per the FBI. In Illinois, out of 448 murders total, only 4 involved any type of rifle. More than twice as many people were murdered with fists and feet.

So, because rifles are almost never misused, he calls for a draconian ban on the most popular civilian rifles in America.

That does not compute, unless he either thinks that (1) rifles are a crime problem when they're not, or (2) that the rifles he wants to ban are fringe instead of mainstream. Either way, he is incorrect.

Good one from benEzra ! Pounding them with actual facts.
And making converts too....

Bill Richardson.....


PS...Id love to see a progressive run for Pres with a hands off guns platform.
And making converts too....
That's terrific. It's much easier to speak the RKBA gospel here, but we're only preaching to the choir. We might be converting some fence-sitters here, but probably not too many antis.

What benEzra is doing takes much more patience and thoughtful phrasing, I suspect, to keep from getting bounced. There may be no higher RKBA mission than converting the uncoverted.
On the "no fly" list

One of the names on the no fly list is "David Nelson" and I wrote on this HERE some time ago. Most of the source material has fallen into, or off of, the archive.

I had a guy who stayed at my motel that I managed and he was totally unaware that he was on the list.

Makes you wonder if Ozzie and Harriet would be on there also.

Maybe the TSA just doesn't like Ricky's music. :p


The most interesting aspect of the no fly list is this:

Transportation Security Administration spokesman Nico Melendez said the problem was due to name-matching technology used by airlines, the Associated Press reported.

He said it was not the name itself but letters within the name which are identified by computer software and raise an alert.
That whole concept of no-fly list strikes me as unmanageable, unless the government can tie it into passport ID or something. As you say, how do they distinguish from all the folks with the same name ?

Also, it looks like it would prevent the undesirables from leaving the country. :)
You have more faith in the media than I do

Yes, I do. But let me clarify. I do not have faith in the traditional media. I DO place great faith and hope in the truth spread by this medium known as the internet from non-traditional sources: boards, bloggers, and such. :) You can't stop the internet - it's only a matter of time before the truth invades North Korea, China, and the Muslim world, not to mention D.U. Might be a long time, but it will happen.

Even a blind hog finds some acorns

That's because they find them with their nose, not eyes. :) I know what you're sayin, though.
They tried to stop me and my father from flying into Canada once, my grandad had a warrent out for him for an unpaid seatbelt ticket:D They pulled me AND my father out of the line, we have the exact same name (he's the 3rd, i'm the 4th, grampa is Jr.) they didn't even realize that there was two of us pulled aside, we had to argue till we were blue in the face convincing them that we weren't both R.... Y.... Jr.:confused: I know from personal experience many times that they so far have been unable to differentiate between identical or similar names.
Well I guess it works both ways. Posters on DU probably think we are a little crazy too, especially after reading through the legal and politics forum. :D I have surfed through DU on occasion, though never posted. Yes there is a vocal group of nutty left wingers on that site, but there are also many rational down to earth liberals who actually have some sound ideas. I know people don't want to hear that there are rational liberals, but they do exist. Just like there are some rational conservative, just not on this site. :p
He said it was not the name itself but letters within the name which are identified by computer software and raise an alert.
Probably using some sort of pattern recognition algorithm, so that it can flag Mohammed, Mohammad, Muhammad, Muhammed, Muhamet, Mohamet, Mohamad, Mohhamad, etc, etc, etc.

Likewise, since there's no "J" in the Russian alphabet, my son's Russian passport has his first name as ДЖОДАН, with the "D" and "ZH" letters, and our surname can be spelled either Пеллетир or Пелтиай depending on whether it's the Americanized or the French pronunciation.