Making a paracord rifle sling


New member
I just ordered 1000 ft of assorted colors of paracord. I plan on making a rifle sling using the cobra weave. I am going to make a few bracelets and stuff to master my technique first.

Have any of you ever made a sling and what technique did you use? Any tips that are not obvious before starting would also be appreciated.
I have made several paracord slings now.....I didnt really like the ones that I saw online so this is what I did: for the top of the sling for the shoulder part of the strap,
4 pieces of paracord doubled to make 8 strands

I started with what is a square knot belt, or a macrame belt.

you may find better instuctions for that part of it.

After it the wide square knot belt part is long enough for your shoulder I moved to a multi strand flat weave it is pretty cool looking with certain colors. I cant find where I got that information. I'll attempt to explain.

With all strands hanging down,
weave the left most strand through the other is now the right most strand.
now take the new leftmost strand and weave it through the others, including the previous one.
keep going like this for your desired lenght.
tighten as you go to keep the weave uniform.

This is actually pretty easy, the weave looks professional and the progress goes good...
if I can find a good instruction on this I will post a link.

at the end of the flat braid i do few square knots just like the paracord soldiers bracelets

The last few inches I cut off 4 of the extra strands leaving 4 strands

double 2 strands through the butt end sling loop, back up towards the muzzle...this is where I adjust my final sling length (you may have to temporarily tie it to try the size) then continue with the soldiers bracelet knots until the end...cut, trim, tuck or burn the ends. and tada! youre done.

I also take and iron the sling with a hot iron and gives it a nice look.
my next project will probably be an adjustable type of this sling.

the whole thing can be done in 2-3 hours for the first one, after that you can do it a little faster.

Just google decorative knots, macrame and sailors fancy ropework and you can find a lot of ideas.

I hope this helps I will try to answer any questions
Rickyrick doesn't always using the left side to do the weave cause it to hang at a slant? Also what colors have you found to stand out the best?
The desert camo and the olive drab look pretty cool on blued steel and wood, I also did a desert camo and light on black guns look good with solid colors I think, but it's personal preference.

the weave that i described will create a flat strap with a kinda dragon scale type appearance.

I will try to post a pic of one as soon as I can remember my photo bucket login.
Here you go, it doesnt show the upper part that is the wider square not type, but it does show the weave and the cobra knotted part.

The grip is paracord with the guts stripped out, another cobra knot, carefuly laid then heated slightly to retain shape
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this is a shot of the upper shoulder strap area. This area is wider than the shotgun. The weave in the other photo is about an inch wide. The transition from the square knot part to the weave is pretty simple. there is lots of ways to experiment with different patterns.
This shotgun is my first work and if you notice that the right and left side of the strap is not symetrical...that is alleviated by reversing the knots on each half.

this was not meant to be one of the survival type slings. It really cant be unraveled. Its is very comfortable, however.
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Well I screwed up when I ordered from paracord masters. Everything on their entire site is back ordered 6 weeks, Which they dont state very clearly. So I had to order more from supply captain to get me started. That order shipped next day. I guess I need to pay more attention.