Make up your mind, Janet Reno


New member
I went to check out this article and vote in the CNN poll:

The article is about "More gun laws, or enforce the ones we have?".

The NRA, and some people that have been victims of gun crimes, testified that if the gov't would enforce the laws, the criminals that attacked them etc would not have been free to do so.

I will let you read the article, but in it, it states that in the Clinton era, gun crime prosecutions have dropped %40 even with all the new laws. Only a handful, and I mean a handful of people have been prosecuted in the entire nation in last year.
Janet Reno counters this by saying this:

"The combined number of state and federal weapons offenders sentenced to imprisonment is up almost 25 percent since 1992," Attorney General Janet Reno said recently. "This is during a period that the number of violent crimes committed with firearms dropped 27 percent."

Ah....okay, so now she takes the opposite side of the issue to defend herself. Now, she is touting that: gun crimes have dropped dramatically, like %27, in the last few years.

So, which is it: do we have a "gun problem" or not!?

If gun crimes are dropping so fast, as the Clintons are using for their defense here, then why are they pushing through gun laws and claiming that "we have to do something about gun violence".
I hope that the masses see this hypocrisy and I hope that they continue to use defensies like this as the NRA goes on the offensive.

The poll asks "are gun makers liable..."
There are a whopping 83,000 votes! And %86 say "No, gun manufactureres are not liable"

[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited May 27, 1999).]
I gotta vent something, and this is a good thread where it is related.

It just about sends me through the roof when I read these articles about the Gun Bill in the House, and the Dems say "we need to pass this Bill before anyone else is killed...", while pointing to the school shootings. As if the Bill has anything to do with the school shootings, and as if it will suddenly stop them once it is passes. Arg! That ticks me off. I see it just as Hitlers/Communists philosophy that "if you say a lie often enough, people will start to believe it".
They are trying to program the populace that they are the saviors and that their wonderful law is going to change if all the other laws they broke didn't count.
It is called brainwashing, and nothing enfuriates me more than someone trying to program me or others around me by repeating a blatant lie over and over.

[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited May 27, 1999).]
The huge drop in federal prosecution of gun-related criminal cases is NOT due to an overall decrease in crime. Rather, it is by design. What I mean is, the gun-related cases are being foisted on the State courts, even when there the crimes also may be prosecuted under federal law. Why?

It may be something of a reach, but I believe the U.S. Marshalls, the DOJ and the Federal District Courts are being shielded, so to speak. You see, if a crime is prosecuted in a state court and the defendant is convicted, their recourse is to appeal the conviction withing the state court system. If that same case were tried in a federal court with the same result, the appeal would go to the appropriate Federal Appellate Court, just one step below the U.S. Supreme Court. Could it be that they fear the possibility of a firearms case winding up in the highest court in the nation? It's simplicity is downright elegant, for even the highest court in a state could never deal the sort of broad-reaching damage that could occur in the U.S. Supreme Court, should the circumstances fall together just right. Less gun cases tried = less chances to screw up and lose the game. Far easier to just screw with the law-abiding people, huh?
You could be right on the money there.....when a local gun store was robbed btw 37 firearms and they recovered only 6 or 7.....the batf, and the U.S. district attorney did not want to be involved and refused to accept jurisdiction so the local district attorney prosecuted them for burgulary........fubsy.
The DOJ, AG and gov't aren't afraid of criminals....criminals are apolitical.

The sole goal is to remove guns from the law abiding hands. The assault on the Constitution began and continues under the guise of crime notice that crime (drugs, money laundering etc) is as strong as ever despite the billions of $$ thrown at it. Yet there are literally thousands of new Fed laws and regulations that affect us.

They aren't interested in criminals having guns....they are interested that YOU have guns.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Hm, interesting.
So, is that why no one has been "caught" with an illegally modified mag? I can make my HK USP .45 post-ban mag into a 12 rounder by simply taking out the removable spacer. I don't for fear of some satellite above watching me do it...but would they care anyway?

I have to wonder...there must be some people out there that have illegally modified their post ban mags to take more than ten rounds...but the BATF hasn't cought any yet. Same with other new "bans". No one seems to be breaking them...or getting caught.
Maybe the Feds don't WANT to catch any of these people for fear that it will lead to the Supreme court?

The mag example is one of many. Are you telling me that no one out there has a pre ban upper on a post ban lower? When was the last time you were at the range and a Fed came up and checked the numbers on your Colt AR, etc. These laws are put into place, but no one seems to care...especially the people that supposedly enforce them.

Then the BATF let's people slide by shipping in mags that were supposedly (who knows?) made out of the country before the magazine ban. Seems to me like they do the very minimum they can to enforce the laws and do just about everything they can to let things slide....until they have a Waco.
RacerX, bingo. Had several thoughts mulling around in my noggin and your theory seemed to make several things click into place all at once. I'll begin by saying I think you're very close, if not completely, correct with the separation of state vs. federal prosecutions, and why. I have tow questions, that come to mind now:

Is there any way to prove it, find a "smoking gun", if you will, in some DOJ or ATF memo, document, or report, either outright or through FOIA?

Does this fall under any sort of 10th Amendment grounds regarding unfunded mandates (states having to prosecute federal laws at state expense?), or separation of federal and state powers?

There's got to be something that can unravel this and make the DOJ and/or the ATF show their hand. Here's to hoping, anyways.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Personally, I get ticked when the NRA starts talking about "enforcing the laws we already have". I mean, let's be honest; If they DID enforce the laws they already have, half the gun owners in the country would be felons! More than half probably; A majority of the deer hunters in this state funnel up M-53 headed north, here in Michigan, and go well within that 1000 feet of Almont High along the way! And how many of us have actually registered all our guns in states which require it? I don't want these blasted laws enforced, I want them REPEALED. Let's be carefull what we ask for, lest we get it, good and hard.
I am willing to bet that no one could drive any where in a metro area and not be within 1000 feet of a school at at least part of the trip.

I can just see the MSP and BATF stopping deer hunters on their way north for having firearms within the "NO GUN SCHOOL ZONE". There are not enough State Troopers or BATF agents to even try. They might get one or two arrested but by then the CBer's would have the word out and then all hell will let out for lunch.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum