Makarov surprise...


New member
Just picked up the "Bulgarian" Makarov I ordered through my local gun dealer.The right side is stamped BULGARIA but the left side has a Russian mark [Triangle w/vertical line through it inside of a circle] This mark,the serial # and "1976" [year?] appear to be laser etched.I have found posts on a few different forums that suggest Russian Maks found their way into Bulgaria,ended up in surplus,then were mis-stamped by the exporter.
If this is a Russian military Mak what is it worth?

It has been long suspected that after Slick Willy's "trade agreement" with Russia that effectivly banned the importation of Makarovs into the US, that a lot of them were "back doored" into the country via Bulgaria. The laser etched serial number is not an approved method of marking according to our wonderful BATF, so the number had to be stamped on in order for them to be imported. The markings are just a quirk of our all wise, and powerful government. :barf: