Makarov sight adjustment?


New member
Well, the search function seems to be gone, so I'm just going to ask.

Can you adjust the sights on a military surplus Bulgarian? I just shot my new Mak for the first time today (finally!), and its consistency is fantastic. At 7 yards, it ate a small hole out of the middle of my target. The only problem was that this hole was about an inch and a half left of the bullseye. I slowfired while being very cognizant of grip pressure and trigger pull, so I don't think it's me. Time and again (through 200 rounds) I got the same shot pattern.

The rear sights look like they might slide if bumped. Can you adjust these "fixed" sights this way?

NRA, GOA, & TFA Member
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Yep, it may be you, I did the same with
my Mak. I found that i was pushing left
on gun. Once I learned to set right side
of trigger against first joint of trigger
finger the groups moved to center and I
have heard other mak owners have the same
problem.I would first let someone shoot
it and see how they do. Sight can be moved
but man are they in there tight.
Yeah pushing left is something I do a lot. The Mak has a fairly long pull even with the single action. Also, the trigger sits in the frame a bit loose and floppy.

Sandbag the puppy on a solid bench and see where it shoots. Even then, you're going to be prone to push to the side because you can't get a solid rest on a semi-auto handgun unless you go to a Ransom Rest.

The Mak is accurate as can be (cause the barrel is fixed). It's a fine gun, but it's NOT a target gun.

I suspect you're pushing the group to the side. Sounds all too familiar. You can drift the rear sight -- takes a brass rod and a hammer, some penetrating oil. You really wanna take a hammer to your handgun?

[This message has been edited by Dimitri (edited October 05, 2000).]
My German Mak did that too and I was sure it wasn't me 'cause I was using a rest.
The cure isn't bad:

Take the slide off and secure it as low as possible in a vice with two soft pieces of wood on either side, you don't have to tighten it much, just enough to hold the slide firmly.

Borrow the little wife's house hammer and a BRASS pin (DO NOT use a steel drift from the garage) and move the slide to the right with the pin. You have to hit a little harder than driving a nail but not much more. Use two pieces of masking tape with pen marks on them to gauge how far the sight moves.

It took two trips to the range to the get it right and now my Mak shoots center.