Majority Whip Tom DeLay and the Gun Owners' Task Force


New member
I got a call this morning from a Stephanie Kubric representing Tom DeLay's office and the Gun Owners' Task Force. She played a recorded message from DeLay that sounded pretty good, then asked me to become a charter member for $150. I asked for more information on what the money was used for, etc., which she couldn't give me. I asked if there was a web site I could get more information and she gave me , which is the National Republican Congressional Committee. I find nothing on the site about a Gun Owner's Task force, or even about the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

I must conclude that while this sounds good, it's a cheap ploy to get RKBA activists to support the Republican party at large, with no guaranteed support for the Second Amendment.

As much as I like Tom Delay, I have to agree with you. I have seen similar concerns posted on other forums. This money seems to benefit nobody but the National Republican Congressional Committee. I would be curious to know what Tom Delay's office has to say about this.


Joe's Second Amendment Message Board
Gentleman, I have a request. This is self serving so the moderator is more than welcome to delete this if he feels it is inappropriate. I think we all know that I am seeking the Republican nomination for the 10th District of Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives. I think it safe to say that I would be the most pro-gun person that Congress has EVER seen in it's history. Even more so than Ron Paul or Bob Smith. I am NOT accepting ANY financial assistance at this time. I do not feel it is necessary to throw away good money on a race that I do not have enough support for to win the 10th district. I did not think that there would be a primary since nobody ran last year, but a couple of others have expressed interest. If I get the support and get on the ballot for the March primary I will need contributions to fight other Republicans in March and a Democrat with $1.5 million in a campaign fund in November. The money that the NRCC is asking for is for use in the Nov 2000 elections. I am sure that it is a good cause, but there is no need to donate this early. What I would ask you to do should you decide to donate to the NRCC would be to let them know that it is in support of a MAJOR 2nd Amendment candidate in Texas that you are making the donation, ME. Just don't do it yet. Save your money for Christmas shopping (just over a month away) until I decide when I am going to file the papers and the NRCC knows who I am. If they recognize that a PRO-GUN candidate has this much NATIONAL popularity and that people outside his district are donating because of him rather than Tom DeLay, the impact at the NRCC level will be much greater. Even if I don't win the NRCC will know that the gun issue is what brought in the donations and that they better pay attention. I will benefit as it will give me a great deal of credibility at the national level that I can generate money, where I currently have NONE, even though I will probably not see a dime of it. They will realize that my total pro-gun stance brought in the donations rather than the lip service of the current members. Just a suggestion, but I think that if you are going to donate that your dollars should have the most impact on the issues that are important to you.
Jeff, if you get to the point where you need campaign funds I'll skip the middleman.

Best of luck to you - keep us posted.
I am a man of only modest means, (US Service member) However you can count me in, Let me know when!

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.
---James Madison,The Federalist Papers, No. 46

... "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are constitutional rights secure." Albert Einstein

... "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."Ronald Reagan
Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
I've got a message for Tom Delay and the rest of the Republicans. Prove your worth first. We have been betting on the come for too long. Exact some pro-gun legislation and bring back some stolen rights and then we will think about cutting the checks. This crap goes on before every election. They are long on rhetoric and short on delivery. Read the signature.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

I don't even live in Texas, and will donate a few bucks to your cause. Just let me know when. I can also donate a couple books (The Best Defense) if you can use them.

Good luck to you.

Jeff OTMG:

Let me say I will wholeheartedly support you to the extent that I am able. I admonish you to avoid the pitfall that 99 44/100 of the freshman congressmen get into when you are elected when they sell out for a voice.

As for ther long-time incumbent SENATORS who are Republican, I am sick of them. They showed their true colors by not shutting down the Sebate after the moral outrage of the Clinton Travesty. Snow and Warner among other pseudo-republicans should be ex-communicated with due dilligence.

The House Republicans are not perfect but they have proven their salt and worked to preserve our freedom much more than the Senate.

Good Luck Jeff

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
I committed to donate $30.00 to this "task force".

When the envelope came to carry away my money, I stuffed it with 10 $3.00 Bill clinton bills and wrote the following letter:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Mr. DeLay,

The Republican party was given the congressional majority many years ago by the voters. This party promised smaller government, lower taxes, and the recall of unconstitutional laws. All legislation that has passed through the House and the Senate needed the cooperative help of BOTH parties to pass. This includes the illegal laws that we currently slave under.
What we have now is a larger, more intrusive government, more taxes, in spite of a "kinder, gentler" IRS, and even more laws that illegally restrict the constitutional rights of the citizens of the United States.

For two (2) terms a draft-dodging, unfaithful, immoral, lying traitor has sat in the oval office writing legislation using the war and emergency powers given to the office in 1933 that has never been recalled, and it is only recently that the question of recalling this act has even been mentioned (66 years later).

Bureaucratic offices add rules and restrictions to these already illegal laws and murder people over an illegal $200.00 transfer tax and cosmetic features of firearms (see Ruby Ridge and Waco) and then go UNPUNISHED.

If you are indeed a man of constitutional integrity then you have stood your ground as your party's platform has shifted and abandoned you. If you are this man, then we stand on common ground, and I would support you as an individual. But, I refuse to support a party that has turned and stabbed those in the back who placed them in power.

So here is my contribution to a party that has merged with the liberal train of thought and given us false hopes of a day when we could breathe easier and pursue our own course of life uninfringed by a constitutionally legitimate government.

It's as real as the promises that they made years ago.


John XXXXXXXX[/quote]


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited November 20, 1999).]
Thank you all for the kind words and offers of support. As I said, hang onto your money for now. Right now I am running this totally as a grassroots effort, I have been told by 'professional politicians' in the Republican party that an election of this magnitude cannot be won at a grassroots level. If I make it on the ballot and get known I will have proved them wrong. I am doing my primary race on the support of gun owners. I do not want there to be ANY question where I stand on the issue and who got me to where I am. Understand that if I win the primary my opponent will be a Democrat with an 'F' rating from the Texas State Rifle Assoc.

Rich - This is why I wanted to talk to you, when the time comes you will hear from me so that we may rally support. We will need pressure on other Congressmen from Texas, including Ron Paul, Tom DeLay, Dick Armey, and Lamar Smith.

Will Beararms - Our legislative branch is based on compromise. I will not lie to you, I will operate within that system to get things accomplished. HOWEVER, I will not compromise on gun issues unless it is to our benefit. For example, I would support the mandatory inclusion of trigger locks with the sale of a firearm if I could get a repeal of the 'Assault Weapon Ban' from 1994 or the machine gun ban from 1986 and the firearms related executive orders since then. If I throw a small bone I want a MAJOR concession. Please understand that being a Congressman is not something I really want to do. I did not grow up wanting to be a politician. I am doing this because no one else would, I was drafted. I hope this meets with your approval.
Jeff OTMG:

Thanks for acknowledging my concerns. Trigger locks sold with the pistol don't bother me. What would bother me would be if I was told I would be violating the law if the lock was not employed.

The scary thing about the 1994 ASSAULT-STYLE US manufactuirng ban is that it is a pre-cursor to big brother telling me that I don't really need that Benelli in the Duck Blind and that I will be just fine with an H&R Single shot. Furthermore, assigning a need to a right negates the right. You know that hunting and target plinking are only collateral benefits of the 2nd Amendment. The true purpose is to defend ourselves against tyranny. The problem is most in congress don't want to humble themsleves and admit to this.

From personal experience, I don't prefer to hear the pot metal-to-sheet metal clinging that transpires when an AK variant is fired nor am I in love with the ballistics of the 7.62 X 39 round but if you or anyone else desires to have one, you should have that right.

Additionally, when you are elected, do what you can to eliminate the excessive taxation they are levying on people like me who came from humble beginnings. The poor have the mentality that Uncle Sam owes them and the Ultra Rich have manipulated the system to their benefit. The guys in the middle are getting robbed. I am a commissioned Sales Person, they are stealing over 40% of the hard-earned money I make staying in bad hotels, eating bad food and riding cramped in a business class airline. If you want to sore big make cutting taxes a part of your mission as well and you will be heard.

Good Luck

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Will B. - I have a problem with the federal govt dictating just about anything. Personally I think manufacturers dropped the ball by not promoting good will by including trigger locks back when child protective caps were put on asprin bottles. The federal govt should only legislate on issues that relate to the constitution, other issues are reserved for states. I would bend that to approve the trigger locks onlyu IF I could parley it into a win for our side. As far as controlling what you do in the privacy of your own home I TOTALLY agree. I am a BIG support of privacy rights.

I know that the 2nd Amendment isn't about hunting. Nowhere in the writings of the founding fathers was it a consideration.

I am one of those guys in the middle. I work for a living as a business and computer systems consultant. I work for someone, I am not a doctor, or a lawyer, or own my own business, nor do I belong to a country club. I agree with a tax cut, but to what extent we may differ. I felt the Republican sponsored cut was too drastic, I do not support the Democratic version because it spends the difference in their cut and what the Republicans want to give back. I grew up with 'duck and cover' drills in school. CD shelters were found in downtown buildings. Nuclear war was a possibility. Today, thanks to Ronald Reagan, we no longer have that threat looming over us. I never thought that I would ever see a world without the USSR or the Berlin wall. It was always a part of my life. They are gone, we won. We won by outspending them, proving a capitalistic system is stronger than communism. Now it is time to repay some of that debt. We are a country, not a business, because of this we do not have to have a balanced budget, but I do not think that the debt should be allowed to get out of hand either. So, I would support the tax cut with some of the surplus used to reduce the debt.

Permission granted! :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!