Major bummer !!!!


New member
Hit a nice 8 point with my bow and deer ran onto another property. Owners would not give me permission to retrieve.
Got 2 deer with shotgun.
Got 1 with muzzleloader.
Twisted my knee at work and missed last week of muzzleloader and all of late archery.
Even though I got 3 deer this year, I did not get to finish the season in the way I am acustomed to. You know, hunting up to the last possible minute. I'm not sure why I'm whining, there is always next season!!!!!!!
Call the game wardens/sherriff/cops in the area.
They should be able to go talk with the people and allow you to go get it. I don't know the rules in all areas, but in most places any game you take is your property. If the deer ran in there and died it is your game. Might take some work, but these morons shouldn't be able to keep it from you. Even if they will not let you in, they should have to bring it out for you.

Why did you ask in the first place? Was it right next to their home? Out in the woods, if a wounded animal crosses a fence, so do I. You wounded it, and your first moral obligation is to put it down. But that's just me, I would understand if it ran into some tree-huggers front yard, and died in front of their vegitarian children.

Anyways, I think I would pursue this anyway I could. Good Luck.
From my perspective handgun357 did the right thing by asking permission and once that permission was denied his moral obligation came to an end. Going on property without permission even if the purpose is to recover an animal is very ill advised.

If I came across someone armed and in full hunting dress on my land they would be regarded as trespassing pure and simple. And I've heard the "well I wounded an animal and was just looking for it." Maybe it was true and maybe it wasn't. I've had too many times when hunters came on my place illegally to give anyone the benefit of the doubt.

If I thought you were legitimate and responsible, what I would do if you came to my door and asked permission would be to saddle up and hit the woods with you. We'd find the animal and negotiate a sharing of the proceeds. That is more than fair because where I live game on my property belongs to me regardless of how it got there. (Frankly, if you came to my door and asked I would regard you in high esteem because I've found carcasses of deer wounded by hunters who were either too lazy or inept to pursue them.)

But if you copped an attitude or I didn't like your looks or came here when only my wife was at home, the answer would be no. And no cop/sheriff/game warden has the authority to require me to do otherwise.

Sorry if my position offends anyone or that some might consider me a "moron" but my position was reached after some unpleasant experiences with "hunters" and although I hunt myself I now post my own land. I never thought that would ever happen.
Sounds like that land owner is a major league @ss. Sounds like a pretty good season over all, too bad about missing out on the black powder season cause of the knee.
Sorry you lost your deer. You did the right (smart) thing though, in asking permission to pursue the animal. Too bad the owner declined to allow you to do so.

In some states -- Texas is definitely one -- it is illegal to hunt on property without the owner's expressed permission. Since you could easily have been perceived as hunting, regardless of the circumstances, you would have broken the law and been subject to prosecution. Also, many landowners are very protective of their ownership rights, and regard everyone who enters their property suspiciously -- sometimes even after paying a trespass fee! Better to play it safe and get permission. Failing that, well, as you said, there is always next year.
Talking only about Texas hunting, we always asked neighboring ranchers about following up wounded deer onto their land--ahead of time. If you spend a little time getting acquainted with the neighbors, you're way ahead of the game. And, after all, they ARE neighbors.

I used to lease a small, 300-acre state tract. Talking to the owner of the surrounding 100,000 acres, I wound up with, basically, 300 acres plus a rifle shot for deer, and unlimited wandering for wild hog and mountain lion.

I called the DNR

DNR in Indiana says tresspassing laws takes presedence over game retreival. The neighbors are new and not very neighborly. They are Anti's. I think it is a good idea to get permission to enter property for wounded game, but if they say "no", you are not going to give up huntingin that area. You just hope they do not get to that property. Most deer I have taken drop shotly after the shot, but I used a new mechanical broadhead and did not get the penetration I am used to. Available land for hunting is scarce where I am at, so I do not have the luxury of picking sensible neighbors. I just hope the neighbor doesn't have a heartattack in his field before shooting light is gone !!!!
I'd write them a letter, under the guise that I give a damn. I'd tell them that because they did not let me retrieve the deer that I mortally wounded, I was unable to tag it and therefore, had to shoot, and kill, ANOTHER DEER! I'd tell them that this one was a doe, that had a young fawn with it. I'd go on to tell them that this fawn, without the guidance of it's mother, would probably meet a horrific fate in less than a week, courtesy of them. I'd go on to say how I only wanted to take the one deer, legally, on MY LAND, but because they wouldn't let me retrieve the deer I had already fatally wounded, I ended up killing three, instead of just taking the one. I'd follow up by telling them, that we can be good nieghbors, or bad nieghbors, but either way I was going to hunt until I could fill my tags, and don't give a damn how many deer I have to mortally wound, to get one to die on my property. I ain't going to change their views, and they aren't going to change mine, so we might as well get along as good as possible. In conclussion, if you really are against hunting for the good of the animals, you might as weel just let me follow up on the ones that are immence suffereing because of my broadhead that went sizzling through them. I will hunt, and if I have to kill every damn deer in this county, I'm going to fill my freezer. oh, and have a nice day.:)
Now, now, BM, take a Valium. While I understand where you're coming from, that sort of letter would come across as smartalecky, which absolutely ends any later chance to "turn 'em around". Granted the chance is slim, but there is no point in gratuitously making enemies. Better to "put a zipper on it" and be quiet.

But you already know that.

Smartalecky?? I was going more for the "yeah I'm an ass, but you're a bigger one" sound.

"turning 'em around"??? seriously art, how many anti-hunters have you ever seen say "ok, now it is OK to kill animals"??? You aren't going to change their views, but by showing them, that regardless of their actions you're going to hunt, maybe they'll let you follow up the ones that are out there suffereing somewhere, instead of having to go shoot another.

"graciously making enemie" Hell yes, there are some types of people that mommy would just rather I didn't associate with, and I can't say as I disagree.

There are some people that just plain wont see the light when you're shining it in their eyes. These are the kind that you write off. You can't change them, and you don't wanna be friends with them, so you might as well just say whats on your mind.
In the state ware I live you are allowed to retrieve a downed animal on someone else's property only unarmed if the land owner does not allow you to you are supposed to call the game warden. He will explain to the landowner the situation and go with you to retrieve the animal. If I found some one trespassing on my property armed (looking for a downed animal and they did not ask) I would just take a picture and let law enforcement take care of it. It is everyone's responsibility to follow the law and act responsibility .

Sorry to hear about your deer. It is very difficult to lose an animal you have wounded under any circumstances.
I do believe you did the right thing. It is illegal to track an animal onto another's property here without permission. Besides, maybe they went out to help "bambi" after the mean ol' hunter shot him an got a hoof between the eyes while they were comforting him! ;)

And BTW Art, "a little 300 acre state tract" is quite an oxymoron. In MI 40 is pretty normal! lol!
BadMedicine, overall, I agree with you. Howsomever, it's not just the idjit who's an anti, himself, that's the problem. If I'm insulting to him, he's gonna run his mouth to somebody who might be neutral on the subject, and turn that fella into another biased-against-hunters type.

My idea is to not turn a passive enemy into an active enemy. This is not to say I can't derive a great deal of satisfaction from explaining to somebody just exactly how dark is the region in which their head is stored...I'm just careful about the fights I pick.

TC, the deer population is a lot sparser in west Texas than in many other areas. A mule-deer census, a few years back, showed one deer per 62 acres in the Davis Mountains. Down here in the Terlingua area during a drouth period, a census count was one deer per 350 acres...That makes for a lot of walking--which means you better have some idea of where to walk.

Later, Art