"Mainstream" ??

Rob Pincus

New member
Okay, I recently had a discussion with an editor of an Ezine who is wanting me to write some articles. The articles were going to be for the "sports" section. When discussing potential topics, I brought up competitive shooting and I was told that he was more interested in mainstream articles first, then he would see about the "aside" stuff. What follows is my reply. I couldn't explode too much, because I am interested in writing some articles for them. I'd like to hear reactions/comments.

What is "aside" about shooting in a sports column? Shooting is one of the
most popular (by particpation, not couch potato observation) sports in
America. I have no problem writing about other sports, but I will want to
write about shooting or hunting also. Check out the covers of the "New
Releases" section of DVDs or VHS tapes at the local store or Blockbuster, how
many guns do you see on the cover of the "mainstream" movies? Guns may not be
PC, but they are popular.>>


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 12-08-98).]
You could point out the popularity of those hunting games that have swept the market...
Showing that the Shooting comunity is part of the MAINSTREAM...
As for other FRING SPORTS - PAINTBALL is growing much faster than BASEBALL did when it was first invented and now it is fading almost as fast...
NBA is too flaky with the players demanding even more MILLIONS of dollars JUST TO PLAY A GAME...
Look at the Olympics... is that a sign of MAINSTREAM SPORTS?
Let's see - when was the last time I went CURLING? And wasn't SNOWBOARDING banned from many slopes for a long time... it being socially bombastic and symbolizing the worst of the GEN X attitudes?
What remains is Football, Tennis and Soccer.
While good sports yes... they get old pretty quick. Don't get me started on the skating...

Shooting sports are many... SASS, IDPA, IPSA, trap, skeet, sporting clays, Bulls Eye, Rifle... There is a lot more to cover there.
Each one requiring different skills, equipment, stratagies.

Good luck Rob...
But I would suggest starting YOUR OWN EZINE!
I have thought about that as well... Easy to do... Look into it.

Kenetic Defense Institute
What's that? Rob's starting his own e-zine? I want in! Can I write the hand-to-hand/alternative force section?
I'd just use screen shots from TFL everymonth.

It'd be the lengthiest and arguably the most informative gun 'zine (electronic or otherwise) ever published.

You have my vote and support for the Rob-ezine. Would be nice to read intelligence and humor in such publications for a change.
Okay, maybe you guys missed the point....

I was looking for commentary on the ironic divergence between the fact the firearms and images of firearms and the terminology of firearms are incredibly common yet percieved as somehowfringe.
Is there another item that is seen so often yet percieved by most people as something distant? (okay, besides Cindy Crawford)

And, thanks fort the ego boost. At least I can stop worrying about 4 members thinking "Why doesn't he just STOP! everytime I post.
Or.. wait... are you guys just trying to get rid of me??!

No, I think I'll just use my spare time to write volumes here for now....Of course, If you archive your Email, Rich, you might find that I have alluded to the TFL Ezine a couple of times...
(oooo, passing the buck is fun...)


No, I was just trying to encourage you to consider Kodiac's suggestion. It really is a pretty good idea, corporate sponsors and all that.

As far as how to approach the media skewing shooting sports as something only the twisted do...that's harder to address. I personally am pretty bored with team sports. I agree with the idea that more people are getting involved in fun pursuits, instead of just dazedly watching NFL, NHL, and NBA drivel...(oops, can I say that? ;)) I suppose more healthy role models are needed, as well as MEDIA OUTLETS that will show these positive images. Now, about that e-zine...If it had widespread appeal (not solely focused on shooting), we could convert a lotta folks whose only exposure to firearms use has been negative.

That is exactly what I was planning on do at the Ezine in question. I try to attract as many non-shooting media assets as I cna to various events. The following is a snipet from somewhere on the subject of involving the media in shooting events:

I have found that most local stations and especially individual
news people do not have any kind of an "anti-gun" agenda (some more urban parts
of the country excepted). I get to travel to a lot of different "high profile"
shooting events and run some celebrity tournaments. We almost always get some
coverage and I always try to get the interviewer to switch places with whoever
they are talking to and take come shots.
I was with a celeb at the Remington Shooting School a couple of years ago and
the newswoman who came out to interview the female shooter ended up shooting
skeet for a long time, even the camera man particpated.
We even got a local news anchor to act as MC at one of our banquets and compete
in the sporting clays tournament with other celebs.

Country radio stations are especially cooperative about supporting shooting

Those of you who have clubs that run ISPC, IDPA or clays events, even if they
are small, should always extend invitations to the media. you might be
surprised. We had one film crew start competing regularly at a club in the
midwest after they covered an event!

This is a bit out there and sneaky:

Write one or 2 articles about what he wants, just to show him your stuff.

Then do an article on shooting in terms of some kind of sports personality/celebrity deal.....akin to those golf tournements and race car things. It would be excellent to get first hand quotes by participants on how fun it is.
Its a thought

That is basically what he suggested I do, ie- give them a few articles and then let him decide if he'll "accept" the gun stuff.

I'm going to actually go that route, more or less. When and if I get him to run a gun article all of you will be required to click on the link Rich let's me post at least once, so that Mr. Mainstream can see his # hits go up dramaticaly when he runs it. ;)

But, under that arrangement, I am not going to pull any punches. He'll get an article on shooting sports not bios on 10 celebrities, a detailed history of a charity, and a paragraph about the fact that it was guns that brought them all together. That type of coverage is what TNN is for (or sorry, was that a cheap shot?)....

What's he going to do , not pay me? Oh, did I mention that he's not paying me anyway?

Rob: You asked why shooting is not considered a "mainstream" sport. Here are some of my thoughts on the subject. Today we live in a blameless society, individual responsiblity seems to be a thing of the past.You can rob, rape ,murder or simply do something stupid and make a fool of yourself, but "It' not my fault!" Too many people are quick to put their own mistakes on someone else.
Next we have the nanny goverment which wants to tell use what to do because we are too stupid to take care of ourselves. Individual rights are ignored or pushed aside for the good of the community.
Then we have the team mentality. whereby we are all expected to sacrifice our own needs , for the good of the "team."
My point here is that in todays world indivduality, self reliance and the acceptance of personal responsibility are becoming rare things. Just how and why this is so is the subject of a whole different debate.
Now, look at the shooting sports. Even though you may be competing against a dozen other shooters, when push comes to shove, its just you, your firearm and the target. You're actually competing against yourself. pushing yourself for one more point, one more X, one more bird. Shooters are some of the most individual people I know. And we, as shooters ,don't fit today's group attitude.
And that is why we don't fit in with "mainstream" sports.
Just my two cents - Grayfox

Everything you said makes sense, but I have a one word rebuttle:



[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 12-09-98).]
Rob - It is said that golf most resembles competitive shooting. In fact, I know shooters, including myself, that have bought books discussing the "mind game" in golf (as well as tennis) to become a better shooter. This could be a topic for one of your articles comparing golf and tennis to competitive shooting. Also, check out a gunzine called Gungames. This mag does a great job in marketing the shooting sports to the "mainstream".
You are right Nad, Gungames is agood magazine for "mainstream" aspects of shooting, I have worked with a couple of their people before.

My point wasn't to start a discussion about Golf, merely to point out that it meets sharese every criteria that Gray stated for shooting. Golf is obviously mainstream and popular, yet it goes entirely agsint the grain of the "herd" mentality.
There is more to the subversion of the shooting sports than its individual nature.

Rob, sorry about putting you on the spot about a ROB-E-ZINE.
I couldn't help it.
A TFL E-Zine would be awesome...
As would a dead tree edition newsletter of TFL. Aimed at not detracting from this wonderful web site... but for enhancing it.
Specific articals and reviews by the faculty and cadre here. I know several gu people who refuse to try to even look at a computer. A Newsletter could make some converts there as well.

Kenetic Defense Institute