mainspring issue Model 10


New member
The mainspring on my 1961 model 10 fell out of the frame for no apparent reason
I believe that there is a strut inside that the spring attaches to, but I have not taken off the side plate yet: This this an easy fix? Will Smith and Wesson look at a revolver this old or will a local gunsmith be able to patch it up? I want to get some options before I move on fixing this. Thanks
If you've never taken a side plate off before and don't have the proper screwdriver just bring it to your gunsmith. It's an easy fix.

You may be able to fix it yourself by just feeling inside the frame for the strut on the bottom of the hammer. I've been able to do it when replacing mainsprings. S&W will take care of you but the time it takes them to work on it isn't worth it if you have a local gunsmith you trust.
copy that. Thanks for the info. My suspicion was that this wasn't going t be a big repair but Its never happened before with my other Smith's.
"No apparent reason."
Have you been "adjusting your trigger pull" by turning the strain screw in the lower front grip strap? That is the only thing I can think of that would cause the mainspring to fall off the hammer stirrup... unless the stirrup or the hook on the firing pin were broken.
just a clarification, the "proper fitting screwdriver" is for the sideplate SCREWS, and should never touch the sideplate under any circumstances.

You had the grips off, and the spring just "fell out for no apparent reason". This means the spring was, for some reason, NOT under tension.

You need to determine why the spring was not tensioned. Breakage of the spring would do that. So would incorrect positioning of the strain screw.

Any gunsmith competent to work on S&Ws can determine the cause and do the needed repair.
just a clarification, the "proper fitting screwdriver" is for the sideplate SCREWS, and should never touch the sideplate under any circumstances.
I don't understand what you mean about not touching the sideplate under any circumstances. Would you mind explaining what you mean.
1. Take the screws out. Note which one came out of what hole, it matters.

2. Bump the frame with the screwdriver handle until the side plate shakes loose. Do NOT pry the plate out with the screwdriver.
No I didn’t try to adjust the tension screw. The gun is almost as old as I am no need to adjust a already light crisp trigger pull. It happened when I was pulling off the old grips that felt like they where glued together. I managed to get them apart and the spring fell to the ground. So I need to clarify the “no apparent reason “ part.
Dahermit, I'm sure 44 means that a hollow ground screwdriver tip should be used and that it should not extend past the edges of the screw. Doing so will leave a S&W version of the 1911 Idiot Mark. The tip should be an exact fit to the screw slot.
Dahermit, I'm sure 44 means that a hollow ground screwdriver tip should be used and that it should not extend past the edges of the screw.

yes, I meant that, and I also meant that under no circumstances should the screwdriver be used to pry on the sideplate. EVER!

With the sideplate facing UP, (and the screws out) tap (down) on the grip frame with the screwdriver HANDLE or other suitable tool. A few taps will cause the sideplate to "rise" and it can then be lifted off with the hand alone.

Make sure the plate is up, otherwise the guts will fall out of the frame.
If the tension screw was in all the way like it’s supposed to be, no way the main spring would ever just ‘fall out’. Something must be broken or the screw was loosened up before you owned the gun or it vibrated loose on its own from shooting it over the years. I’ve done the Bubba spring lightening method and just like warned against, it doesn’t work.
It happened when I was pulling off the old grips that felt like they where glued together. I managed to get them apart and the spring fell to the ground.
There may be a clue there. You didn't say how you managed to get the grips off but if you were prying them with something inserted between the grip panel and frame near the bottom the something you were prying with may have been putting pressure on the spring forcing it out of the slot it sits in.