Mail a Contender receiver


New member
I own a TC Contender rifle and would like to send it off for a trigger job via USPS. The smith I will use wants the action only with no stock or barrel. Since there is no difference between rifle and pistol actions, am I in possible legal jeopardy by sending a rifle receiver via US mail.

I live in a very rural area so UPS is difficult at best to use as a shipper and FedEx is a no go.

I in possible legal jeopardy by sending a rifle receiver via US mail.
YES and that's all I will reply. The key factor is that the receiver, has the serial number ...... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
The key factor is that the receiver, has the serial number

I understand that, hence the question. I can legally mail a complete rifle but, because a Contender is an oddball that can be rifle or handgun, I'm confused. I quess a better question is can ANY bare rifle action be mailed? I donno.
After some research, it appears that even though a long gun can be mailed to an FFL, a bare receiver cannot. I should of looked before I posted.

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I'd like to know where you found that info? I'm not disagreeing with what you're posting just a link to the info. I've shipped bare rifle recievers to gunsmiths for builds, usually in a box with other parts to complete the build. However, I have shipped bare rifle actions/lower recivers in USPS flat rate boxes insured as firearms and no body batted an eye.

Pistols I've always used UPS FFL to FFL, and had the pistol shipped directly back to me after the GS was done. Most of them arrived in a USPS flat rate box.
taylorce1, I didn't get the info from an official source but instead from a "sticky" that dogtown tom has over on THR. It may not be unimpeachable but I believe he knows his stuff. I may be wrong about shipping bare receivers but I'd rather err to the safe side.

From dt's info:

USPS- will accept rifles and shotguns from ANYONE. Handguns and other firearms like frames, receivers, AR lowers are not mailable unless you are a licensed dealer or manufacturer. Even holders of an 03FFL "Collector of Curios & Relics" cannot mail or recieve by mail, a firearm other than a rifle or shotgun.

The whole post:
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I've shipped a lot of firearms through UPS and USPS. Other than I find UPS easier for me and more timely than UPSP, there are hoops you have to jump through either way. I also understand the challenges of living rural and dealing with both UPS and USPS. I may be wrong (and more than likely am) but I've shipped rifle receivers both AR and bolt action through USPS.

The one time I was asked a question, I just used my smart phone to show a picture of what was in the box and the Post Master okayed it. However, I wouldn't ship anything right now through the mail. I shipped two barrels one a Savage takeoff and another was an AR barrel, both took over two months to arrive even paying for them to be certified. UPS has been much more reliable to ship lately than USPS, even though the UPS near me is only open to receive packages M-F 4-6 pm.

It's simple if you're worried about the legality of it take the frame to a FFL that you use, and have them ship it to the receiving FFL. The FFL holder that is also doing the trigger job can then mail it directly back to you when they're done. It'll add usually $50 to the cost to mail through an FFL.
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Thanks for your comments. I know the postmaster very well and I'll ask her what she thinks. And yes, women in that position are called postmasters. Push come to shove my FFL will most likely charge me almost nothing; $5-$10 plus postage.
You are allowed to ship a firearm back to the original mfg. for repair without a FFL. I've done it with Fed-X. hdbiker
If your gunsmith is set up with a regular/frequent business account with UPS, ask him if he can order up a label for you. If he can do that and e-mail the label for you to print at home, then getting that box in to the UPS system is as simple as making basically -ANY- contact with UPS.

You could literally hand it out your passenger window to a UPS driver at a red light and your box will be en route.
Will the reciepant send you a label or iuse his shipping acct.

I sent a handgun to Ruger what they called "prepaid"-Fedex. Guy picked it up at the house. Was back 10 days later as good as new.