Magsafe Ammo


New member
Is this ammo in the same class as Glasers?
It is designed to more or less do the same as the Glasers..

Anyone with information as to the effectiveness of this round.?
I've found all sorts on Glasers..but not much on Magsafes.

Magsafes are in the same class as Glasers and as you will find out by many people here, they are very much over-hyped. The videos of people using them to blow up watermelons look impressive, but that doesn't tell the whole story. Prefragmented rounds (as they are called) have never been shown to give adequate penetration in ballistics testing. Many believe that this would negate their effectiveness as a good defensive round. I can't think of any law enforcement agencies that actually carry such rounds.
They were all the rage when the gun rags ruled the information scene back in the mid-90's. They were counter-intuitive when one considered the 1986 Miami shootout, but so were ultra-light bullets -- yet they were also the rage...Certain authors (who I won't mention...don't feel like going down that road) used to make bold claims about their "research" which they claimed proved the efficacy of light and fast, pre-fragamented ammo. It was later shown that they pulled it all out of their exit-holes and thereafter, heavier bonded JHP's became the norm for recommendations for defense ammo.

If I'm not mistaken, Mag-Safe and Glaser merged and are now owned by the same company. They are pretty much not good enough at penetration and are not considered very effective when compared to heavier standard bonded JHP's. They'll give the target a very bad day, but all else being equal one would make their hits count more if it was completed by a heavier JHP.
Carried with them for years until I read one simple post on a gun forum:

"just about any obstacle (forearm, etc) can cause them to dump their energy and render them useless as a 'stopper' round..."

Never carried with them again.

Although, Joe was a heck of a guy with good intentions.
Is this ammo in the same class as Glasers?
Yes, to a certain extent.
They are both "gimmick" rounds, both seriously over-priced and under-performing. They are marketed using the PT Barnum model (a fool and his money are soon parted). In all fairness, they are not the only ones....but they are the most persistent and successful ones.

I do not know of any serious person who carries or endorses them.
From everything that I've seen or read, Magsafes suffer from all the typical drawbacks of frangible ammo (underwhelming penetration, ridiculously expensive, severe changes in POI) plus one more: their quality control is reputed to be hit or miss. If you absolutely must use frangible ammo (something I almost never recommend in the first place), go with Glaser so that you'll at least get consistently good QC.