Mags for my Bushy-how many, what type?


New member
You guys are giving me (a newbie to the "Black Rifle Club') a wealth of information. I'd now like to turn to the issue of magazines. Which type do y'all prefer, and how many is a reasonable number to have on hand? I know you can never really have too many (like my 1911, for example), but is there a number that you come up with as a result of breakages, or inherent weakness that is more prevalent in the mags that are available? It seems I've read on other boards that many of these magazines were made for limited (military) use, and so were not designed to provide long life. Thanks in advance, geegee.
I have about 20 or 30 30 round mags - all O-Kay brand, all purchased in new condition. I also have 3 20 round adventureline mags.

I test each one with a trip to the range (or two) to make sure they function. Used mags can have any sort of problem, so I use those only for the range.

I keep the new mags ready to go for an emergency. :)

For the range I either use beat up old mags, or my preference - Thermolds. Thermolds rock. They dont dent or otherwise get ruined if you drop them, they last forever, and they're relativly inexpensive.

I'd use thermolds thruout, but due to their design you cannot store them side by side in a pouch. Orlites may be better in this regard, but I've not tried them.


LevelHead gave good advise. I have some Thermolds but don't use them much. I just prefer USGI. If you get USGI, take it easy on them. Don't let a half loaded mag drop to the ground, don't slap them into the lower with the bolt closed. I always lock the bolt to the rear and then insert the mag. Also, don't use the mag to support the rifle while in the prone. If you bend the feed lips you will have ammo hitting the upper just below the feed ramp.
As LevelHead said, Thermolds wont dent and their feed lips wont bend. They can break though. Overall, their good mags.
Orlites are cheap, but I don't like them. I've had problems with them before. I've had them spit out ammo like a USA mag. Oh yah, don't buy USA.
Thermold or USGI are the best. What ever you decide, treat them nice. They cost too much to ruin and are getting harder and harder to find.
Just stay away from the Cooper mags and try to stay away from the Sanchez GI mags. Coopers are supposed to be bad bad (as in govt did their best to destroy all of them) and Sanchez mags have a tendency to not drop free, but function well.

I try to have enough mags to fill my load bearing gear and a few more as back up. That usually results in around 15 mags.
Welcome to the cult of the AR. I have several different kinds of mags for the AR-15. There are some very cheap 30 round Orlite Israeli surplus mags on the market. I recommend them for general plinking. I also recommend buying them face to face like at a gun show. There is a mold mark on them that looks like a fraction. If possible chose those with bottom numbers 20 and above. I have some that read 15/9 and 10/9 and I have had to adjust them with a dremel tool.

For seriuos shooting, self defense or offense I use Colt 20 round mags exclusively. They are easier to fire from a prone posistion, do not snag on clothing like bannana mags, and work 100% of the time. I would really hate to think that I needed more than 20 rounds. If I do I carry plenty of other mags in my vest. That is another advantage of the straight 20 rounders. They don't snag on pockets or pouches. Follow the link above for one of the best deals out there on original Colt mags.
Coopers are 'poopers', thats how I remember not to use them

I prefer the USGI 20 rounds mags and have never had a failure with them.

As far as how many you need, its up to you. Its very easy to become a mag worshiper and before you know it, you cant stop buying them. I think 10 new mags and 5 range mags per rifle is confortable.

My Pick List of AR Mag:

1. USGI 20's
2. USGI 30's w/ green follower
3. Israeli Orlite (mold# 22 and up)
4. Thermold

Mag Sources:
Take a look at
There is a mag forum, with a FAQ at the top.

You can't go wrong with USGI mags, with the exceptions noted here and in the mag FAQ. 20 rounders are best for bench shooting and prone.
I've got both Thermold and Orlite mags, and have never had a problem with either. Shooting prone isn't a problem, for me anyway.

The stated problem with the USGI is the reason I avoid them: It just doesn't take much of a ding to cause them to stop working. That, and I can get two or three 30-round Orlites for the cost of one USGI.
No, no, no! You must shoot your AR single shot, don't buy any evil magazines. If you do, you stand a good chance of contracting the disease "magaholicism." This disease forms when one tries to find the answer to the age ol' question, how many magazines are enough form my ________? (you may have already contracted this disease or be especially suseptable to it through your association with your 1911) It is especially dangerous when experimenting with ARs as there are so many good manufacturers of USGI mags and it is impossible to come to a certain conclusion as to which one is the best. (Aside form the Coopers mentioned and a few quirky Sanchez mags) One minute you'll be happy with your two 20 rd Adventureline mags, then you'll have to see what all the fuss is about the Colts. Oh, but what about the 30 rounders? And was that really a Sterling 40 rd mag I saw at the gunshow last week. Before you know it, it's too late! So stick to 1 round at a time...

Really, USGI are the way to go with thermolds second and orlites third. Though, nothing looks better in a photo than a thermold.

Under no circumstances should you buy cheap steel magazines - those manufactured by USA, Triple K, Western, etc. They're all duds. You generally get what you pay with mags.
I like 20 rounders...

I have not had a bit of troublewith any of the USGI mags I've tried but I am a bit superstitious about using the Colt 20 rounders for serious use. I cannot defend that...I just always do. Try for a supply.