magpul 700 vs savage 110 tactical


I've been looking for a mag fed bolt action for a while and I've narrowed it down to these to and I was wondering if anybody had any personal experience with them or a suggestion to sway me? I'll be using it mostly as a range toy but also for deer hunting.
I don't have direct experience with either, but I have the Magpul X-22 hunter stock on my 10/22. I believe the 700 stock will have similar shape and adjustability. It is my favorite rifle stock (in terms of gun fit and ergonomics) out of the 20 or so I've owned. For me, its shape and balance make it work well both from a rest and from field positions.

I've owned a couple savage rifles, and they perform well, but they seem to lack a certain character that other rifles have. I know that's subjective, and some people care about things like that anyway.
The Savage. Everyone I've shot has surpassed my accuracy expectations. I much prefer them to the 700. If you ever need customer service, Savage is also much better than Remington to deal with.
The Remmington will have gobs of aftermarket support stuff and every gunsmith will work on them.
Savages shoot like the dickens, are a little rougher around the edges but can be polished by the determined owner without much outside help...just time and a careful search on google for the parts.

I think if you really like the Magpul stock you can get them for your Savage action as well.
I have 3 Savages, 2 Rugers, 1 custom Mauser.
All are very accurate.
Are the Savages any more or less accurate than a Remington? I can't say.
Parts are easy to find for Savage.
Barrel swaps are easy.

I never bought a Remington due to the issue they had with the safety( supposedly taken care of), but after years of refusal to admit an issue, the damage was done for me.
I have a Savage 110 tactical desert. I have owned a Remington 700 Tactical. (Not the Magpul)

I prefer the trigger from Savage.
I like the feel of the action better with the rem 700.

Both shoot really well. For me it would come down to which I liked better in their respective layouts. You will have a solid rifle either way.

The Remington saftey and trigger issue was indeed fixed with their X-Mark pro trigger. Although the X-Mark pro really isn't that great of a trigger you would be hard pressed to get it below 4 pounds. The Savage will adjust to 1.5 pounds out of the box without issue.

See them in person. Buy the one you like better. They are both perfectly serviceable.

PS. If I were to buy a Reminton tactical rifle it would be the 5R gen 2
I've been in a spot where a top load fixed mag was a real handicap and I could really have appreciated being able to use M-14 mags but that was almost 50 years back. My suggestion is choose the one that uses the most readily available magazine.
Interesting thread, but I think we're just passing the time because the correct answer was given early on in post number 2 by jrm 40. Buy the tikka. I do feel std7mag's pain and I am similarly disenchanted with Remington: mainly over the trigger fiasco and the way Remington messed up marlin. However, I still buy Remington products and just mentally add the cost of a trigger replacement to the cost of a rem 700. I figure that's why God, in his infinite wisdom, gave us Timney, Inc.

Anyway if I were limited to the two original choices, I would choose the Remington. Ten years ago, I would say that savage was the best for out of the box accuracy. Recently two new savages came into the family, and the accuracy and quality was disappointing. Maybe my sample size is too small, but from what I've seen lately, I would be cautious over a new savage.

I would also look at ruger and howa. They offer rifles in the configuration you want. I have a howa sporting rifle, and I'm amazed at it's quality and accuracy.
The OP did say he had narrowed it down to two listed.

Savages are easily re-barreled, others not unless you are a gunsmith. The Trigger is very good (and if the Acu hunter can be converted to Acu Varmint with a spring change.

As the 110 has been made for a gazilion years, I don't get that the Rem has more aftermarket stuff (not quite sure what that means either).