Magnum vs the Liberal Piglet


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"I didn't come on this show to have a debate. I came on this show to plug
a movie. That's what I'm doing here."

The words of a visibly shell-shocked Tom Selleck Wednesday after being
blasted by Rosie O'Donnell in a squirm-inducing, nine-minute exchange on
the usually celeb-friendly daytime talk show.

Selleck, ostensibly on the Rosie show to promote his upcoming The Love
Letter, instead found himself defending his pro-gun politics to
O'Donnell--who's spoken loud and strong in recent weeks in support of
curbing access to assault rifles in the wake of the Columbine High School
shooting massacre.

For its part, O'Donnell's camp insisted after the show that Selleck was
warned in advance that the topic of gun control would be addressed.

However, Selleck--who lent his face to a youth-skewing National Rifle
Association ad campaign a few years back--said in a statment that a
daytime talk show is an inappropriate place to conduct such a debate."

And debate they did.

Selleck, who had also been asked about the gun issue earlier in the day by
Today show host Katie Couric, told O'Donnell that he didn't believe
gun-control laws would have stopped the Columbine shooting. He also said
that gun ownership was constitutionally protected.

"What you're really talking about is, 'Are we responsible enough of a
society to be this free?' That should frame the debate. My answer,
unfortunately in this culture is, 'Probably not.' I'm going to go down
with the civil liberties ship for all the Bill of Rights and apply them
equally. You can ask me specific questions about anything, but it's simply
stupid political rhetoric."

That really got the Kmart pitchwoman going. "It's not stupid political
rhetoric," O'Donnell shot back. "We also have freedom of speech, but
you're not allowed to yell fire in a crowded theater because it threatens
the safety of other people. Assault rifles threaten the safety of other
people. There's no reason to have them."

After a few more exchanges, Selleck lost his patience, asking Rosie, "Do
you think it's proper to have a debate about the NRA? I'm trying to be
fair here. This is absurd. You're calling me a spokesman for the NRA."
(The NRA ad campaign Selleck appeared in was sloganed, "I'm the NRA.")

After still more back and forth, a now-anguished O'Donnell tried to calm
things down, telling her sparring partner, "This is not supposed to be a
personal affront."

Selleck's seemingly well-intended response to that, however--a caustic:
"It's certainly very entertaining. Look at the audience; they're laughing
and having a good old time"--didn't sit well with Rosie.

"Well, it's a serious subject," O'Donnell replied. "I don't think it's a
lot to laugh about."

To which, Selleck could only say, "Okay, that's fine."

Trying to wrap things up quickly, O'Donnell admitted, "This had not gone
the way I hoped it had gone," adding, "I would like to thank you for
appearing anyway, knowing that we have different views...And if you feel
insulted by my questions, I apologize, because it was not a personal

Selleck got in his last words: "It's your show, and you can talk about it
after I leave, too."

That ended it, with the now-very-frazzled O'Donnell instructing everyone
to "go see The Love Letter starring Tom Selleck, Kate Capshaw and Ellen
DeGeneres. It's a great movie."

Maybe, but not nearly as entertaining as her show Wednesday.