"Magnificent...will terrify and appall jackbooted stormtroopers everywhere........"

The following book has some high praise from someone I know. I especially like the "whimpering media geeks" comment. Click on the link for more comments....

The following are some reviewers'comments about the book:

"Magnificent...will terrify and appall jackbooted stormtroopers everywhere, and even more so the whimpering media geeks who squat to lick those boots." --Colorado Springs Gazette-Telegraph.

"This is the most disturbing book I have ever read. That said, it ranks only below Holy Scripture as required reading...the most frightening novel ever written about a federal bureaucracy spun totally out of control." --Peter Kokalis, editor of Fighting Firearms.
My God, Frank, where have you been for the past 3 years? "Unintended Consequences" has been discussed at length here and on many other BB's. It is the one book every gun owner should read. Some people buy multiple copies and give them to their library systems.
I recommend for anyone out there who hasn't read it to buy it and READ it!
Especially the "fence-sitters" and "G-men" out there.
Like many others, I found that Henry Bowman is a lot like myself, and could be any one of us!
Fantastic book! ;)

Happiness is a tight group!
Ditto - An indispensible work for anyone concerned with the incremantal diminishment of our rights. And perhaps what to do about it? Hmmm.

Time to feed the hogs.
Add THE MITZVA by L. Neal Smith to the reading pile.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Mal, why don't you tell Frank what you really think. ;) You guys crack me up!

Frank, if it makes you feel better, I finally bought the book, but it's still on my 'I need to read that'list.

Take care.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited November 21, 1999).]
It wasn't a flame on Frank just a little surprise on my part. I think he took it the right way. And I'm glad he brought it up. Lots of folks aren't aware of the book and they need to be.
Oh Mal, I know - and, Frank took it very graciously. It just kept me laughing for nearly half an hour.

I think what I enjoyed was how 'family' it sounded. You know - the way good friends and family can kid each other, and everyone has a good time. Rich and his crew have created such a great place here at TFL that often that's exactly how it feels - like one big group of family and friends.

Now ... back to that book ... ;)
I haven't read it, but intend to soon. I did read "The Turner Diaries" out of curiosity after the OKC bombing - I don't suppose there's any similarity - Turner Diaries had some good points about political correctness, and a marshall law anti-gun Unites States when taken to the extreme, and a resistance of freedom-fighters, but the book was very racist, and it wasn't written that well. A must read for KKKers I suppose.
Another book just out is "Send in the Waco Killers" by Las Vegas Review Journal assistant editor Vin Suprynowicz. It may or may not be at Amazon. Do a search on his name or "Vindex" and you should find his web page.

And, no, it ain't about Waco. It is about everything else.
