Maglite defensive techniques?


New member
I just picked up a 4 D-cell Maglite, after reading Ayoob's The Truth About Self Defense. He recommends such flashlights because they do a convincing imitation of a medieval mace or lead pipe.

What are the proper techniques for defensive use of a Maglite?

I know that it's a good idea to hold the light close to the lit end, with the little finger end of your hand towards the light, over your shoulder to light things in front of you, then if TSHTF, you can bash the BG with the tail end.

Anything else I should know? For house clearing, they sound like a good thing to carry in addition to your handgun.
I'm not sure about proper techniques, but I have known a few police officers who have used them on peoples heads. They said it was dark, they had their flaslights out, and didnt have time to get out their batons. LOL
Aiming for the head can be a bit difficult. Specially in the middle of a red heat fight. Since the eyes of your opponent will be fixed on you and every move you make it will be very hard to hit his head unless he is sideways or turned on his back. (not watching)

I have trained and read a little on contact or impact weapons so my advice (only what I´ve proved that works in a fight) is to hit arms, forearms, hands and fingers with all you have got. This are the main contact areas. Not only are they big and easy to hit, but also, when you swing for the head, the reflex will be to cover using those elements.

Not only pain from broken bones (fingers) will stop the attacker but also will provide with functional limitations on the limbs and hands to hold you or hit you.

If the BG is so high that he doesn´t feel pain, the limitation to use his hands correctly will slow him down in order for you to escape.

If everything from the above fails I will suggest that you shoot the SOB with a string of 45. (That is why we carry guns anyway)

That´s my 2 cents.
I know that it's a good idea to hold the light close to the lit end, with the little finger end of your hand towards the light, over your shoulder to light things in front of you, then if TSHTF, you can bash the BG with the tail end.

If you are working in the dark withthe light on, and then swing the light in the fashion described above, not only will you put the BG in the dark (unilluminated) but there is also a good chance that you will shine the light in your own eyes.
This begs the question: light on or off? You don't necessarily have to have the light on in order to bash him with your mace^H^H^H^Hflashlight. In fact, it could be advantageous to leave it off to preserve your night vision, then flip it on suddenly right in his face to blind him. Maybe I should get one of those accessory kits with a red lens to save my vision.

Striking for the arms, elbows, hands, fingers does sound like a good idea. If we're dealing with some PCP crazed psycho who doesn't feel pain, that doesn't matter if his hands are so damaged that he can't hold a knive or gun - that improves odds a bit. I'd also go for the knees - they're harder to protect and a blown out ACL will bring him to the ground in a hurry.

I'd also agree that striking at the head, neck or spine is potentially lethal and should only be done if you think your life is in danger.
Not for long

IMHO, don't leave the light on for long unless you're ready to take a shot aimed at your light.

Anybody have any information of how many officers have been shot at because the BG's aimed at their flashlights in the old days? I know on reading some of the gun rags where people were hit in the hand (but I think that was because the BG's were firing at the muzzle flashes from the officer's gun.)
Besides The Obvious Use?

A large Maglite makes a great home flashlight, and might do some good duty as an impact tool, but I'll leave it there. If you have the means, PLEASE get a Sure Fire w/ Chapman ring on it! You will have something immediately available for illumination (it is, by the way, MUCH brighter than even the 5-cell monster Mag), as well as shock duty whilst holding alongside your favorite sidearm.

Maxi-Mags are problematic as far as pistolcraft goes (I assume that's the direction your question heads); that was the main reason why the smaller SureFire and Scorpion came out. Although I am a minimalist, there are certain times where the right tool is DEFINITELY the one to use for the right job.
If you go smacking somebody with the bright end of the flashlight, stay away from the krypton bulbs. For some reason they seem to be more fragile than other bulbs (tried with several brands) and they'll break if impacted.
Yeah, yeah, funny guy...

Although no good as a club, the SureFire is great as a kubota under the armpit.

Of course, in the gravest of circumstances, it can also be used as the proctologic persuader...
How do you use a mag-light as a weapon?

I would use it as a thrusting weapon not as a cudgel if I had the choice. Overhand swings are more easily blocked and take more physical force to cause stopping damage than a thrust, according to my knowledge. As a small female with a disability I always go for the easiest option.

In aikido class while studying jo, we learned to use the jo staff like a pool cue, and to go for a thrust to the face, solar plexus, or belly. This is faster than an overhand swing, and telegraphs less. We also learned some good moves for what happens when a BG grabs your stick or hands (a specialty of aikido).

When I was a security guard armed only with a night stick (for which no training was given)I had to deal with a BG alone untill the police and another guard showed up. No one was hurt, and I never had to use the night stick. But when another guard showed up, after things had calmed down of course, he told me to poke the stick in the guys stomach as fast and hard as I could, and then to pull the stick back by the hip ready for another poke. He was a retired military guy. He told me not to swing overhand, too.
A medium stick

like a Maglite can be used as non-lethal (against the large muscles of the limbs) or as a lethal force (against head or torso - easy to create internal bleeding or rupture some internal organ), making it a versatile tool in case escalation of force level is required. OC is always non-lethal, knife and gun always lethal force.

It lends more weight to your thrust or blow, and concentrates the force on a smaller area, plus giving a reach advantage.