Magizines for the Ruger P94


New member
Here I go again with more questions

first question:

Does anyone know if there are high cap magazines for the Ruger p94 .40 cal - and if so, who sells them (pre-Clinton used I'm guessing)? I'm assuming the most you would be able to get into the magazines would be about 12 - just wondering.

second question:

I know this question will elicit many varied responses, but that's okay - that's what I want. Here is my prediciment: I live in a pretty rough neighborhood. As a matter of fact, only a week ago there was a 'carjacking' 3 blocks away which resulted in the poor victim being shot to death inside their car. My problem is that I have a little 13 month old boy who's saftety to me is paramount. Being a typical baby, he is into everything, which has lead me to putting my pistol in a safe (which pretty much nullifies using it for home protection) - one note: we do have an alarm system, which would buy me a little more time, but I'm not all that confident in my ablility to get inside a safe and get that thing out before a family member or I become another statistic. What I am wondering, is how do other people in similar circumstances store their firearm? Whoever chooses to respond to this, understand that I am accepting your 'advice' or 'opinion' - that the ultimate responsibility for storing this pistol safely is my mine and mine alone.

thanks again!


Early factory Ruger P94 mags held 11 rounds. I was able to buy a third 11-rounder for the one I had at a local gun show.


I presently do not have any kids so I currently don't have your situtaion, but my wife and I hope to within a year's time. I know a lot ot TFL members will say to store your gun on your person, that is the safest place for it. I agree, but realize that this practice can not happen for all of us. I have friends that solve the situation in this manner: Keep your gun in it bedside storage place or wherever you keep it readily accessible completely unloaded and then keep a loaded clip or speed loader on top of a book shelf or closet shelf nearby out of sight and unreachable to young hands. I highly doubt that a 13 month old has the motor skills and the strength to insert a clip and rack the slide to make a semi-auto ready to fire. This procedure will probably work for a while but not forever. I would feel safe doing this with my 2 yr old nephew, but not with my 3 and 1/2 year old niece.

That is what I think I will do, but I am not sure until I am there.

Good Luck,


My father has had a pistol on top of his dresser for 25 years in a lock box. He's had that thing in there before i was born and ever since. I'm now 21 and have a 2 year old nephew that stays over often. He is into everything as children are at his age. Right now he cannot reach the lock box and if he could, he would be unable to open it. When i was old enough, my father told me what was in there and let me look and examine the gun, unloaded of course. That got me interested in guns and i have been since. It natural to be worried about your son getting to it. But if you keep it in a lock box about 3 or 4 feet off the ground and locked, he won't be able to get to it or into it. My father has no problem getting in and out of the box in a hurry because he has practiced for such an occassion. I would advise you to do the same thing. When your son is old enough to reach it and has been able to appease his natural curiosity, you can decide whether to keep in your safe or continue where it is. My father chose to keep it there after me and my two brothers had been assessed of the situation. It all comes down to what you and your wife feel comfortable with. Good luck and i hope it turns out for the best.


P.S. Keep the key to the lockbox either on you or only in a place you and your wife know of. That will keep them out even better.
Hey Tman, I have a few of those mags I will sell you (still on the ruger card) 11 round pre-ban. cheaper than CDNN and I will pick up the shipping. E-mail me if you are interested.
I have 4 Children, three girls and a boy between the ages of 6 mos and 12 years old.

I keep my weapons in a weapons locker/safe currently. If the need arises, I can get to them quickly. I am considering buying one of the small Gun Vault type mini safes that have the finger pad entry device. It also has a key overide, which is good in a high stress situation. I want something I can mount on the side of my bed and feel secure knowing it can't be accessed.

My primary reasons for securing my weapons are not to protect them from my children, but from visting children.
My older two children know the safety rules and I trust them completely. But still, children are children. Even though I have total confidence in my older two, I have a hard headed three year old son that loves my guns as much as I do. That makes me have to keep them secure when I'm not using them until he is a bit older and can handle the responsibilities.

Another consideration if you are worried about your neighborhood. I suggest you get a good dog. Alarm systems can be fooled, but good old fido is hard to fool. Even if you can't have a dog large enough to defend the home, a yapping chihuaha can make things miserable for a bad guy.

I would trust my Welsh Corgi over an alarm system anyday.

Good SHooting