Magazines for Kahr MK40


New member
Any ideas where to get some magazines for the Kahr MK40. Kahr sells the mags directly but at $40 dollars a pop, I will try to find a different source if its at all possible. Thanks ahead of time.

Know Yourself, Know Your Weapon, Know Your Enemy; then Know Victory! ---DaHaMac

Just got a P9 last week and have been engaged in the same search. My local shop sells them for @ $38 a pop so they're not much help. I noticed that Cheaper Than Dirt's site listed them for @ $28. Seems like a great deal if they're the real thing. I wasn't looking for the K40 mags but perhaps you might check their site. One of the nice things about searching their inventory is that they list how many of a given item they have in stock at the moment. Good luck!

- Jawper
Allright, that Arizona Gun Runners is a winner so far with the mags priced at $24
. I'll look in my cheaperthandirt catalog again, I guess I missed their Kahr offerings the first time around, I'll try them online too, but I think there server was down just now.

Thanks Guys

Know Yourself, Know Your Weapon, Know Your Enemy; then Know Victory! ---DaHaMac