Magazine spring retainer missing from my 870


New member
Holy sh*t...I'm not that great with taking things apart...but I figured only one way to learn...So I unscrewed the tube and BOOM the spring comes jumping out! I did not expect that! So looks like I'm missing my magazine spring I really need it? I had to use my thumb and a lot of patience to get the spring back in and screw the cap on....but I couldn't get the damn magazine cap off [870 express magnum 18"]....I finally got a way to loosen it before i broke my wrist.

So no magazine spring retainer and no 'rod' that they show that goes in it, like the picture.

Is this to be concerned about? I think I got the gun back together fine, I followed the instructions...if the snap caps cycle through perfectly is it safe to shoot?
It's safe to shoot without the spring retention assembly, BUT the magazine cap will tend to vibrate loose.
Let it go long enough, and the spring will blow the cap off the gun.

I'm assuming this is a used gun, and someone removed the spring retention assembly?

If so, it's very possible the gun was modified to allow installing a magazine extension.
Look inside the magazine tube near the front, and look to see if the two small lugs are present.

These are two lugs, or "dimples" that are pressed in to the magazine tube.
These interlock with the plastic spring retention "tube" that's missing, hold it in place, and prevent the plastic tube from turning.

If the lugs are present, all you have to do is buy a new plastic spring retention tube.

If the lugs are missing (ground off or drilled out) you have a problem.
With no lugs, there's nothing to hold the spring retention tube in place or prevent it from turning.
The tube not only holds the spring in the magazine, it also acts as a friction device to prevent the magazine cap from unscrewing.

In this case you have only one option:
That is to install an old style steel "cup-washer" magazine spring retention plug, then screw the magazine cap on TIGHT, and check it often to be sure it's not coming loose.

So, while it's safe to shoot the gun, you really need to install one or the other spring retention devices.
If the lugs are present you can simply buy a new plastic retention and you're good to go.
If he lugs are gone, buy the old style cup-washer, tighten the cap tight, and watch it.