"magazine" sellers at your door

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What do you do when you get the "Hi I selling magazines to earn points" person at the door. I got one at my while visiting my Mom last night. The teenager said "hi Im tim, im not a criminal..." Cut him off .. not interested. Guy acted real perturbed I wouldnt listen to his speal.

What our our experiences with this?
There's no need to go rocketing into Condition Carnelian, or whatever is the fashionable color this week. The moment s/he opens his mouth and what comes out is a sales pitch, you just close the door. Presumably, you're smart enough not to let a stranger into your home. No apologies, excuses or angry rants are necessary. Just close the frickin' door.
i just tell them im unemployed and thats usually the end of it. i got a call the other day , some guy selling siding for my house. i told him i was unemployed and couldnt incure any out of pocket expense. he insisted the salesman come by to give me the sales pitch anyways. he scheduled an appt for later in the day and i didnt answer the door. theyre not gonna waste my time only theirs
It depends on the person. I have actually bought a magazine from one of these people before. She was a sweet little girl who shouldn't have been going door to door alone, and I felt like helping her out. On the other hand, a couple weeks ago this kid who must have been 16 or 17 came, and started mumbling something about magazine from under the hat he had pulled down over his eyes. He had nothing in his hands, no paper, pens, nothing to take down my information. I shut the door, and then watched through the peep hole to make sure he walked his butt back down the walk.
I go to the door with a gun nowadays. Long story in another thread.....

Anyway, I tell the magazine kid "No thank you, but my neighbor across the street might be interested. He buys from all you fellows." I don't like that neighbor very much........ :p

The ones that get me are the fellows who ride bikes with ties and want to convert me to their brand of religion. I offer them a beer and a cigar. Then I send them across the street too. ;)

Now the fellows who stop and want to know if I need someone to mow my grass....... :mad:
i try not to be rude to them because my car is parked on the driveway and i dont want to wake up and find it keyed. when they leave i watch them leave the premises.
Ah yes, offering alcohol and smokes to the missionary types is fun. I'm actually a Christian, although I'm not sure I fit the modern christian mold...anyways, thats another discussion. Those tie-wearing mormons on bikes can either be really polite, or really really annoying. It's also fun to open the door while smoking and drinking, and not wearing a whole lot of clothing :)
I had one come up to my front door, I told her that I had no interest. She started to raise a fit and did not start to leave when I asked her to. She did with a string of words I can't repeat.

Of course she did not notice the marked police car in the driveway.

The other experience- about 30 gang members who were selling magazines across town got into a donnybrook one night at a hotel. They were rehabilitated and trying to make honest.
Wife ordered some magazines a few years ago I think she is still waiting for them :barf: So now I just run them off if possible????
I have a huge honkin' "NO Solicitors Allowed" sign at the bottom of the driveway, and i don't answer the door. Have called the local PD a couple of times for really persistant ones that wouldn't go away.
Funny, this came up last week. I asked if they had SWAT or Concealed Carry. I was told that they couldn't sell "those types" of magazines (after I explained what they consisted of) and I smiled and said, "No Thanks" :).

My wife had some mormans come to our door when I was at work one day. She talked to them for a little while, but then she told them she was not interesed. Then when she tried to shut the door one of the guys stuck his foot in the door so she could not close it. She told him to get his f&%*$@g foot out out of the way. He still didn't move it so she slamed his foot with the door :D . He did leave after that but I told her to not answer the door if she sees these guys around our house again.
For census takers, Mormons, 7th Day Adventists, and non-criminal pests, I sometimes indulge myself. While I stand and talk with them, at random moments I scream and clutch at my crotch with both hands. It's also fun to do it at the mall with survey takers and the people who want you to fill out credit card applications.
I wonder if they would've been more offended by SWAT and Concealed Carry, or Hustler and Penthouse?

With seeing some of the magazines that they've sold in the past, most likely SWAT and Concealed Carry :(.

Wayne, next time I'm in Oregon, we need to have a beer. We seem to post a lot on the same threads, and seem to agree a lot.
I used to open the door and let my 120lb black lab "Remington" convince them I wasn't interested before they even uttered the first word. Funny how they never persisted with him? :confused: :D To this day I don't even know what 80% of them were selling....they just disappeared in a flash. I think some of those kids could have won a gold medal in the Olympics they ran so fast. :D
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