magazine plug


New member
I replaced my stock 870 Express mag spring and follower with a Wilson Combat extra power spring and follower a while back,I had to file grooves on the follower to clear the dimples in the mag tube.I am squirrel hunting this weekend on public land and since Woodcock is in season I installed the mag plug that came with the gun.I did a function check and i'll be dog if only one shell would fit in,the new follower has a tail on it to help prevent spring binding and I had to cut the same amount off of the plug to allow two shells to fit into the magazine.

A weapon capacity of only 2 shells would not matter much on a squirrel hunt and I could have trimmed the plug with my knife if needed but it was much easier to do with a hacksaw and have sandpaper to smooth the rough edges.

Something that was drilled into my head in US Army Airborne school and 101st Abn Div Sniper school more than twenty years ago is just as important today........"pay attention to detail"!

I can't wait to enjoy some squirrel and dumplings this Sunday.