Magazine Orientation on Belt??

Gary H

New member
I'm right handed and my magazine holders are on mounted on the left/rear-left side of my belt. Which way should the bullets face and why? I have been facing them back and found a direct grab and load to be easy, but my new leather has them facing front, which requires me to twist my hand. Is there a right way?
Gary, I too am right handed and prefer my mags to be on the off side, about the same position as my pistol on the other side (for concealed carry). I too prefer the bullets point backwards so that I can draw it and ram it home (I am talking about loading a pistol here!! :D) without much fuss.

I don't care how much you practice it, I think in a moment of stress, it will be very difficult to flip it around in your hand. In fact, you might even drop it. I'd suggest finding a different mag holder for your purposes.

It reminds me of LEO's who insist on wearing their mag pouches on the opposite (weak hand) side so they look "balanced". Those in the know wear them on the same side as their weapon, in front, and wear the ones the lay parallel to the belt with the openings nearest the buckle. That way they can easily draw the mag and insert it in the gun with very little wasted motion. That's the key for speedy reloads.


"Charlton Heston is my President"

NRA, NAHC, Buckmasters

[This message has been edited by Danny45 (edited October 28, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Danny45 (edited October 28, 2000).]
Bullets forward if you grab the magazine the proper way your index finger is along the spine of the mag and helps to guide the mag home.This is the way most major schools such as Gunsite and Thunder Ranch teach it.With the bullets to the back I see more twisting of the hand.BILLG
As an LEO I wear mine in front on the off side (left side, since I am right handed)parallel to the gun belt but with the mag openings to the left, for a simple reason. In case I need to go prone, I can still gain easy access to my mags. If they are on the right side (or gun side) and I am prone, I cannot reach them to reload, as I am laying on top of them.

My prone style is not the police prone style (on stomach with heels together) but the rollover prone style which is more stable and allows for better breathing and better cover.

My mags are inserted into the mag holder with the mag butt to the left and bullet side to the ground.
well, i am no expert, but the experts do it the way they do because its the BEST way to do it.
mags on center & weak side.
bullets forward, with both hands on gun, take your weak hand and drop it. it NATURALLY rotates index finger goes on top where the bullet is, this makes sure the mag is loaded too. with the rest of your hand, draw magazine out of pouch, push it towards the gun, notice that it naturally rotates for you. magazine aligned with gun, slam it home. hit the slide release(i don't care if they instruction booklet says not to use it, Do it that way, its an inexpensive part)

hope this helps. as for the balanced look, no, carry all of your "stuff" on one side, you will be very noticable if you don't cover it well, that or look like you have a tumor :-)

happy shooting. and by all means practice what you do a LOT untill it becomes second nature
Gary H & Danny45,
For the life of me, I cannot visualize how you are doing your reloads with the bullets to the back.
When your hands are at rest by your side, the palm is turned inwards. If you use a bullet-forward carry, this allows you to bring your hand to the mag in its natural position, palm in, and grip the base of the mag in the palm while laying the index finger along the front side of the magazine. With this presentation, as the mag clears its pouch, all that is needed is an approximate 90 degree rotation of the wrist to line the mag up with the mag well. In competition, I was taught to "look" the mag into the well for speed, but in a tactical situation, one would be better watching for targets and reloading by feel. The mag presentation I've described allows for such with the least amount of movement. All it then requires is to bring your hands together for the reload.

Shoot straight & make big holes, regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center
Every school I've been too (including LFI) teaches that the mag holders go on the weak side, with the bullets pointing forwards. During a reload, your weak hand drops to the mag, your index finger is placed along the front of the magazine, to help guide it into the mag well.

Try it this way. I think you'll find that it requires less motion and results in less fumbling than having the bullets point backwards.

My problem with a standard bullet forward draw has to do with the long base plate which extends forward of the magazine by 1/2 inch. This makes use of the index finger uncomfortable because of the plate digging into the middle of the index finger.
Suggest looking at pictures of Todd Jarrett, Jerry Barnhart, and the 'Master', Rob Leatham.

Then wear your mags like them.

"All my ammo is factory ammo"
I don't use the index finger lineup trick because my finger is too busy helping me keep a grip on the mag. Never a problem with double-stack mags.

Like the others, I use the off-side, bullets-forward mag carry. I also consistently train to use the front mag first, the back mag second. Training for such *awareness* would *increase* my chances of going for the specialty-ammo magazine should I be so equipped and evaluate such a need.

Now, if you are grabbing the mag with your palm inward and your thumb along the "spine," I can see how your bullets-back approach would work. You would "thumbs-up" the mag to the pistol...right??

[This message has been edited by Cheapo (edited November 03, 2000).]