Magazine cleaning


New member
How often do you clean your magazines? The first time I shot my brand new P-95 I brought 2 kinds of ammo. PMC and CCI Blasers. The CCIs fed fine but the PMCs were bad. Maybe every third one jammed. After 2 mags. full (and about 8 jams) I put the PMCs away. When I got home I took the mags apart to check em out. Full of this sticky greasy crap. When I got the gun, I cleaned it really well before I shot it but not the mags. After cleaning these mags it ate the rest of that box of PMCs without fail. No more jams! Also got a couple of 15rd. mags I haven`t used yet but you can bet I took em apart to clean em. They were gunky too.

I wipe them down inside and out (can use a dishwashing brush, etc) once in a while LOL, or after a sand/snow/rain-mud USPSA match.


Highly recommend either hardchroming or Robar NP3 (my personal fav) all mags.